you get hurt

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Tony: You fell from a testing suit and broke your arm. 

Bruce: You knocked into a table and got a concussion.

Steve: You saved a boy from falling into a ditch, and you broke your leg.

Nat: You broke your leg doing a roundhouse kick.

Clint: You sprained your wrist shooting arrows.

Thor: You tripped over your dress and got a concussion.

Wanda and Vision: They know the minute before you get hurt, so you basically can't.

Bucky: You got a big cut from his metal arm.

Sam: You were flying and you fell, and broke your foot.

Wade: Katana 2 cut your arm and got put on a time out.

Peter Quill: One of Rocket's bombs knocked you unconsious.

Peter Parker: You fell and broke your leg.

Loki: You are very careful.

Gamora: One of Rocket's bombs knocked you unconsious.

Venom: Venom took control and knocked you unconsious.

Peggy: You got shot in the leg.

Pietro: You fell from running fast and broke your leg.

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