Soundwave, Breakdown and Dylan's Reveal/Autobots Exiled

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[Sam and Michael returned to the house to find Carly but she didn't return home. Meanwhile Sentinel releases his pillars above to water to form a circle to the space bridge above. While Megatron, Igor and Starscream arrives]

Igor: (Slobbering)

Starscream: Ah... My master! Such a brilliant scheme! So when Sentinel left Cybertron, it was to defect?

Megatron: He was meant to rendezvous with me here on Earth before fate waylaid us both. The only way to revive him... we needed Prime and his Matrix.

Starscream: Excellent strategy.

[Megatron growls while draws his Fusion Shotgun and blasted President Lincoln off his stone throne. And Optimus arrives as Sentinel's pillars are ready while Megatron sits on the stone throne.]

Igor: Mine, mine! (Chuckling)

Starscream: So he is now your partner, master?

Megatron: He is my greatest triumph.

Starscream: So impressive.

Sentinel Prime: Commencing transport.

Optimus Prime: Stop! No, no Sentinel!

Sentinel Prime: Forgive me. [Activates the space bridge to the Moon]

Megatron: Here we are. Fight us now.

[On the moon the Orbital Assault Carriers, Decepticon Motherships, and Decepticon Protoforms come out of hiding, and headed to the space bridge As Thundercracker, Skyquake, Blitzwing and Skywarp are waiting for them.]

Skywarp: That's the signal!

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Skywarp: That's the signal!

Thundercracker: Alright let's go! Go, go, go, go, go! Move, move, move, move, move, move!

Skyquake: Chop, chop fellas.

Blitzwing: Destroy anything in our way.

Decepticon Troops: [Lots of growling]

[The Decepticon army arrives on Earth while Bumblebee, Arcee, Ironhide, Jazz, Cliffjumper, Sideswipe, Mirage, Dino, Prowl, Silverbolt, Skyhammer, Breakaway and Chromia arrive along with NEST Soldiers, as the Decepticon army destroy every the police cars in their way and choses their alt modes for their usefulness]

NEST Soldier: Contact! Watch out! Move it! Move it!

Optimus Prime: Autobots, retreat!

Dino: [Starts attacking the Decepticon Protoforms.] Never heard that before.

Sideswipe: [Starts attacking the Decepticon Protoforms.] If I know Prime, he must have something planned. He always does.

Chromia: I agree.

[When two police cars collided crashed each other and destroyed by one of the Protoforms Optimus chases Sentinel but brings down by his Mentor. while the Protoforms are escaping as the garbage truck-con scans it's alt mode, transforms and escape along with the rest in their alt modes as fire trucks, police cars, pickup trucks, cars and trucks.]

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