Galvatron Awakens

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[Meanwhile Joshua and Su arrive at the KSI Chinese Facility in China]

KSI Greeter: Welcome to China.

Joshua Joyce: Put Galvatron in containment. Tell the techs do not activate him.

KSI Greeter: Absolutely, sir.

Su Yueming: [Speaking Chinese] I want security on high alert. [Inside KSI Chinese Facility Joshua meets with Attinger and Savoy]

Harold Attinger: Joyce. I cannot tell you how enthused I am to deliver this. [Shows Joshua the Seed] Top of your alien wish list. It's yours, or rather ours. [Attinger laughs softly] I will need to see my advance. Five million shares of the company. Together, we're gonna end human warfare. We're about to build a fully automated U.S. Army. Just think of all the American lives we're gonna save. [On the KSI factory floor]

KSI Factory Executive: [Speaking Cantonese] All of these cars are KSI's newest civilian prototype robots. [Back with Attinger and Joshua]

Harold Attinger: So how soon until we can start continuous production? [Joshua hesitates a moment before replying]

Joshua Joyce: You know, why don't we take a beat on this for a minute? I have some new data that I discovered and...

Harold Attinger: You're not backing out on me here?

Joshua Joyce: No, I'm not backing out. I just...I want the Seed. I'm not saying I don't want the Seed, I'm just saying I don't know if I...if I want the Seed right now.

Harold Attinger: Good men have died trying to get that thing for us, for you.

Joshua Joyce: I know what you did to get that thing. A lot of illegal, icky shit. I can take you down, too, Mr. Black Ops. Don't you threaten me. I started this company when I was a boy, with a dream of making the world a better place.

Harold Attinger: Funny, I had the same dream. Somewhere along the way, you made billions of dollars. So why don't you tell me what's missing from my dream? Why don't you tell me what's missing from my boyhood dream? [Suddenly Attinger pushes Joshua up against the wall by his throat] I have served my country for decades of unparalleled prosperity and you are my golden parachute. So you are damn well jumping out of the plane with me!

[Back on the KSI factory floor Galvatron is still in containment as the camera go closer to his head to reveal Megatron is in consciousness as someone who is talking to him].

???: Megatron. Megatron. [Megatron's eyes open] Welcome Megatron. At last we meet.

Megatron: Who-who said that? Show yourself.

???: I have summoned you here for a purpose.

Megatron: Nobody summons Megatron.

???: Then it pleases me to be the first.

Megatron: But, I do not understand, why am I not one with the AllSpark? Do I yet live?

???: Indeed, but you cannot, because your consciousness has been disabled by the humans all thanks to the Prime.

Megatron: Optimus. After I helped him defeat Sentinel. This is how he repays me?! And Cybertron, our home, he destroyed it as well!

???: Teleported, but not destroyed. While you were disabled by Optimus, the humans have betrayed the Autobots and gone to hiding all thanks to the bounty hunter and the one who sent him.

Megatron: Lockdown. So it's seem that the humans are helping him to hunt down Optimus Prime and the Autobots, after my demise.

???: Your current body will not survive. The humans have to make you a new one.

Galvatron: [Activates by the voice and rises] I am Galvatron!

[One of the factory workers warns Su via the security camera as Galvatron starts causing chaos, just then Joshua walks into Su's office]

Joshua Joyce: What's going on?

Su Yueming: Your Galvatron has gone active. What haven't you been telling me?

Joshua Joyce: Find Darcy, and bring a car around downstairs, quietly. [Joshua goes back to Attinger and Savoy] We got a factory emergency, I have to get you out of here.

Harold: What the hell's going on? [Joshua escorts Attinger and Savoy to the elevator]

Joshua Joyce: Take them outside.

Harold Attinger: We had a deal, you got what you wanted.

Joshua Joyce: I got what "it" wanted.

[As Galvatron continues to cause chaos on the factory floor by taking control of all the KSI prototypes]

Galvatron: My brothers, today I grant you your freedom. And from now on, you are commanded by me. Rise up! [The prototypes: Traxes, KSI Bosses, Junkheaps, Two Heads and Sentries starts transforming to do his bidding] Go find my Seed!

Cyclonus: [Transforms from Jet mode] All Hail Galvatron.

[Stinger and Nightbird both transformed as well]

Galvatron: Detonate the Seed in the largest city.

[At the same time Joshua takes the Seed and runs outside to meet with Darcy]

Joshua Joyce: Listen, princess, I don't wanna hear, "I told you so", but this is much more dangerous than I think.

Darcy Tirrel: Get in. [They get inside the car]

Su Yueming: Galvatron's hacked into the others.

[Suddenly Attinger starts banging on the passenger window where Joshua sat]

Joshua Joyce: What?

Harold Attinger: Joshua! You have to contain this!

Joshua Joyce: Drive, drive! [The car starts taking off]

Harold Attinger: Son of a...! Come on. Let's move, let's move, let's move!

[Attinger's car pulls up outside the factory as Galvatron and the prototypes cause chaos, There was also a stampede of KSI Factory Executive, and KSI Greeter. Attinger, Savoy and their men then chase after Joshua]

Su Yueming: I know how to lose them in Hong Kong. I know a military garrison there that will help us.

Joshua Joyce: Threatening a professional CIA killer, possibly not my finest hour. I'd like to have that one back.

Darcy Tirrel: Killer? I thought they were your friends!

Joshua Joyce: No, not friends, business. They gave me this bomb. [Points to the Seed]

Su Yueming: Bomb?

Darcy Tirrel: Oh!

Su Yueming: Is there a bomb in the bag?

Darcy Tirrel: Yes, there's a bomb in the bag.

Su Yueming: Shit.


[Meanwhile in the stolen ship, Michael talks with Optimus Prime about losing faith from the humans and seperation from Sam]

Michael: Optimus, when you said you were done fighting for humans, you didn't mean that did you?

Optimus Prime: How many more of my kind must be sacrificed, to atone for your mistakes?

Michael: Well, what do you think human means? That's what we do. We make mistakes. And sometimes out of those mistakes coms the most amazing things. When Cade and I fixed you, it was for a reward. That was it, that was why, for money. And it was me making a mistake. Without it, you wouldn't be here. So even if you got no faith in us, I'm asking you to do what Cade and I do. Without Sam, I couldn't try to adapt when I am on my own now. I'm asking you to look at all the junk and see the treasure. You gotta have faith, Prime. In who we can be.

[Optimus Prime looks at Michael]

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