Part 2: Chapters 5-8

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Episode 5

It was our 3rd year anniversary. I did not really message my man the whole day except to get an idea of what he was doing so I can prepare an awesome night for just the two of us. I left work early, imagining the kind of things I wanted to destroy that night. Definitely needed to get home early to hide the things I valued. As you can tell, I had a HUGE smile on my face. How can you not?

I went and bought all the things I needed to prepare for the most romantic dinner ever, even bought candles. Probably shouldn't have. The chances of a fire starting seemed high in my head. As I pull up to our apartment complex, I notice a car I have never seen before. No problem, as long as they did not come after me than I did not have to worry about being kidnapped. I would not make a good victim.

As I approach our door on the third floor, I noticed something strange. The door was not all the way closed. Maybe I should be worried about that strange car after all? I cautiously approach the apartment and slowly open the door all the way. I wait for a few minutes to get my bearings. Not a smart move to just walk in when you do not know if there are people standing behind the door. As I stand there in silence, I hear it. At first I think it is the neighbors, celebrating our anniversary early. But then I realize that it is coming from our bedroom door. Now, I was not the type to assume he was cheating, ever. But that moment, I knew he was. That instant, something in me snapped. Forget the dinner and the candles. Instead of passion he was getting rage. I was more than ready to destroy the house for a whole other reason. And I get to do just that, but only the bedroom. I never remember getting the knife from the kitchen, I never remember butchering him 29 times in the head and chest, but I do remember who he was f*king. I remember that part clearly. That f*king b*ch did it again.

Episode 6

I got asked about this many times. Why did I react the way I did and here is the answer: because that f*king c*nt stole him from me the first time and had the audacity to bully me for it. I get it, I was weak, nice, and mostly naive. I was an easy girl to take advantage of back in the day. But she had no right to try the same tactics again.

You do not steal a taken man. You had him the first time, you won him and the pretentious war you were playing on me. Now you come back for round two. That just won't do for me. When she sees me at first, she does not react. It isn't until I lift the knife that she starts screaming, thinking I was going to come after her. Please, my knife deserves better treatment than that. You wish you were that special. As I am gutting my husband, she wraps the sheet around her and runs to the street. It was around lunch time. The streets were completely empty, no one was home, and it was scorching hot. She was yelling on top of her lungs for help and none came. She was forced to run bare foot and had to sit in a wheelchair for at least half a week to heal her feet. Mean while, I am in the bedroom, finishing him off and crying over his betrayal. If it was anyone else, just anyone, I would have forgiven him.

Episode 7

When we were both in high school, I just thought they were friends. Turns out they were f*ck buddies and he was the only one who wanted it to stay like that. Why work for it when you can get it for free? He never got it for free from me, that is why he left her the first time. With me, he had to actually put in effort. He had to try and make some sort of connection, a conversation, a friendship, with me. At first, things were going great. We were bonding, becoming friends, conversating. Apparently that was also around the time he leaves her eating dust. Not happy with how things were working out for her, she decides to go on the offensive. She recruits as many girls as she could and tells them each different lies. All they had to do was talk about it until I was in the hearing range.

"Did you know K and Kallie broke up?" one of the minions says at lunch to our group.

"I didn't even know they were dating," one says, who has been friends with K for many years and probably knew they were just f*king.

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