Part 3- Chapters 9-13

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Episode 9

After his spin of the events came out, people seemed kinder to me. They really isolated the family and Kallie. Seemed like they loved the idea of me being the victim.

"With this new coverage, we may even be able to ask for an even lower prison sentence," he says to her while they are preparing in the prison.

The TV was playing the coverage of the events right in front of her as she watched. She loved the coverage too. If it wasn't so personal, she would really get into it.

"Don't talk to the inmates about anything involving this case. They may try to come out as witnesses to get a lower sentence for themselves. They are all wolves in sheep clothing. Keep yourself safe," he says as he leans over the table.

"I am not planning on making any friends while here. Seeing how my own friends have turned against me, I do not need new ones," she says as she keeps watching the TV.

"Don't give up. I am sure there are some who are not so willing to back stab a friend," he says as he sits down and lights a cigarette.

"Want to bet?"

"No, I do not gamble."

"At least not outside the courtroom. I have known so many of them for many years. They would come to our house monthly, even weekly. Their behavior does not make any sense," she finally says, looking at him for the first time.

"Have you ever considered that maybe Miss Kallie is not the only one?"

"No. I get that others also wanted to get into his pants, but I do not think they ever acted on it. At least not in front of me. He never gave any signs of them ever trying to get his belt off."

"Maybe they never did, but they sure wanted to. What if they are turning against you because for them it was also real?"

"Most of them have boyfriends or are married? I highly doubt it."

"If your man showed us anything, it is that you can f*ck more than one person regardless of their relationship status. Now, I don't think he was sleeping with any of them, but they are angry at you. Angry that you took away all of their future chances of ever getting some. I think the mother is a piece of work. I don't know what she has to gain from jumping on this train of hatred," he says as he wipes the sweat from the back of his neck away.

"She was always a hateful woman. Mentally strong and broken, not a very good combination. She does not know how to think with feelings and now does not know how to register her feelings. I think she did love him, in her own messed up way. She just does not know how to express it properly," she says in defense of the mother.

"You need to cut ties with them before they destroy you. These people never cared about you and here you are, still defending them and their actions. They are not showing you the same courtesy in the courtroom. This is a bloodbath, you need to realize it before they finish digging your grave. Because when they do, they will all come together and bury you alive and have a feast on top of it," he says sternly.

"I know they are doing bad, but they are not bad people. They are just people who got hurt by my actions. I can't hate them for it. But you are right, I need to be more on my side. They are not worthy of my pity or understanding. I need to think of my well being when out there," she says as she rubs the back of her neck.

These people really made her run for her life. It was like they had nothing better to do than this. What ever happened to their jobs, families, careers? Do they still have any of those or will they blame losing those on me too? They just might with all the accusations they were throwing my way already.

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