Part 4- Chapters 14-17

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Episode 14

Days dragged on in prison and in court. As they did, she was becoming more and more withdrawn. Seeing people attacking her still made her feel bad for them. Were they really this hurt from her actions? But she stopped one thing, defending herself. Seeing how many times it didn't work before made her stop wasting her breath.

"You seem more down today than usual. These things take a long time, you need to keep your spirits up. Without it, it is easy to become worse and accept any bad fate bestowed upon you," her lawyer says after a long day at the courts.

"I know, just getting tired of all of this. Feels so redundant, can't wait to finally hear the judgment and move on past this to the next step," she says as they walk back to the room to hear the final say.

"Blah blah blah...... death penalty.... Blah blah blah," the judge says ten minutes later.

The only one that seemed shocked was her lawyer. He gets a very stern look on his face that said he was going back to the drawing board as soon as this was over. She, on the other hand, was not surprised. Too many people close to her were constantly telling her she deserved it and now, maybe she started to believe it too. The others, on the other hand, were acting like this was the biggest win in their life. They were all hugging, crying, and saying their finally's. No one addressed her, except the cops who put the handcuffs back on her and dragged her out of the court.

So now, fifteen minutes later, she was sitting all alone in her holding cell, awaiting what ever future awaited her.

"This is b*llsh*t, I am going to get you out of this," her lawyer told her before leaving in a hurry to probably look over everything again.

She wasn't even mad at him. In fact, she was ok with the death penalty. It seemed more of a punishment to make her live out the rest of her life, alone and with her imagination of what their lives could have been like. Now, she doesn't have to. All she has to do is count down the months.

Episode 15

The days really dragged on, even more than usual. I spent less time with the group and when I did it always felt like I was getting an update on my life without me. Seeing them sharing laughs and gaining from my losses really made me start to separate myself from them. Were they really that unaware how ...?

"Not fitting in with the cool crowd?" a voice says to him from the side.

He stops working and looks around him. A man in a red suit was standing in the shadows, looking directly at him. Except, he looked more human than the guards. Everyone else kept on moving with their work.

"You do realize you do not ever have to do this again, since you do not really fit in with this crowd," the man says and steps out of the shadows.

Screw the human thing, this man was a f*cking animal. Sure, he had a human figure, but the size of his teeth and eyes were nothing that of a human. He had large red eyes like the guards, except his pupils were black, not a glowing red. Between his large mouth that seemed to struggle to fit in all of his long sharp teeth and his huge eyes, there really was no room for a nose. I honestly don't think he even had one. Probably didn't need it either, who needs to breath down here. His hair on the other hand, was even wilder than his face. With all of that walking at him, he didn't know what he was looking at or even what to look at.

"Are you the boss?" he asks, since he has only heard about them.

"Golly no, I wish I could be that powerful, but so does everyone else. No, I am just here with an offer to get you out of here if you wish," the man says as he stops right in front of him.

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