The lies and the rumours

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Before Izuku starts talking to you guys (the 1 person who's reading this) I was wondering should there be a ship? Like should Izuku and Denki start dating?


Haha you all seem to like listening to my story, it actually feels nice to have people listen to me. Apart from Den and Mr Aizawa of course they always listen to me! Anyways- uhh today I'll tell you about all the lies and rumours Kacchan told everyone.

May 23rd ****

It was a month after I got in UA and I had some friends, I had Denki (obviously) Uraraka, Todoroki and Iida, before the rumours and everything we would all have fun together, and it would make me happy!

But then.. Kacchan decided that he was going to tell everyone in the class that I bullied him. *sigh* I thought nobody would believe him seeing how fucking aggressive he is! after he told that lie, my friends except for Denki he went towards Kacchan.

They started yelling at me and insulting me, they called all the insults I've already heard.

Waste of space


*sigh* sorry for the yelling, it's just frustrating that Kacchan to lied. Why the hell did everyone believe him? They know I never did anything wrong... right?

Once the bell rang we all went to our assigned desks, Denki and I were assigned to sit next to eachother, and we weren't complaining it's nice when you get to sit next to your best friend...

Mr Aizawa came in a few minutes later and began teaching even though if you looked deep into his eyes you would be able to tell that he did not want to be here.

I know for sure that he would rather be drinking coffee and sleeping.

While he was teaching I felt something soft hit my head and then fall on the ground, I looked at the object and it was some toilet paper. I picked it up and opened it since it was scrunched up into a ball, the first thing I saw was disgusting.

So disgusting I don't even want to tell you! Above the disgusting object was a arrow pointing down on it and some words above the arrow that said 'this is you'

After I read it I scrunched it back up and ran out of the classroom and into the bathroom, I flushed the toilet paper down the toilet and immediately washed my hands with soap. I actually watches my hands ten times before going back to class.

I went to my desk and Mr Aizawa gave me a 'are you okay?' look, I nodded my head but I could tell that he knew I was lying. Luckily for me, he ignored it and went back to teaching.

Thirty minutes later the bell went and it was time for lunch, when the ringing stopped the class left the room. Denki and I stayed in the classroom, Mr Aizawa smiled a little bit at us since he knew that we would usually stay in the classroom. "I'll go get you guys some lunch" we thanked him at the same time and watched him leave, he also made sure to close the door behind him.

While he was gone Denki and I were talking to eachother about ummm we were talking about FNAF and what we would do if we were one of the characters. (Yes my best friend and I do this all the time 😆)

A few minutes later Mr Aizawa came in and gave us some food. We thanked him and began to eat, then he went to his desk and began to grade some papers from last weeks test.

Twenty minutes later the bell went again and it was time for class, we packed up our food and put the rubbish in the bin and went back to our desks. After we sat down the class came barging in and sat down at their desks.

When they sat down Mr Aizawa went back to teaching, he told us about an upcoming assembly for the whole school and they will be having a test to see who is worthy of becoming a hero and who is not. (A/N: when I went back to write the story it said 2/27 chapters published. The funny thing is there's only 15 chapters! 😆)

The class except for me and Denki complained, Denki, Mr Aizawa and I smirked at eachother since we were the ones who asked Nezu if we could do this. I remember the massive grin on his face and him rubbing his paws together like he just came up with a evil plan.

While they were complaining Mr Aizawa told them to shut up and then told them the assembly was tomorrow, the class began to complain again since tomorrow was a Saturday.

Mr Aizawa then told them to shut up once again and went back to teaching, we learnt about the history of the first ever heroes. Denki and I found it interesting while the others thought it was boring.

After a few minutes of Mr Aizawa teaching, a once again felt something hit my head. I was hoping it wasn't more toilet paper but.. it felt way to hard so I knew it wasn't.

I looked down and it was a small hard covered book, I'm surprised that it didn't hurt. I mean if anyone got hit in the hard by a hard covered book it would hurt right?

I picked it up and opened it hoping there were no insults or anything, luckily for me they just decided to throw it at me for no reason.

*sigh* oh how much I hate my fucking life- almost makes me wanna die.. WELP! SEE YA LATER ALLIGATORS!

ThankYou for reading this chapter! Writing down my story has actually been very helpful to me, since I can write how I'm feeling and everything that has happened to me.

I guess it's like a diary huh?

Anyway! I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye! *walks away*

I'm actually enjoying writing this. I've already made a reading list, it's called 'First person stories -MHA-' I hope you enjoy all the stories that will be coming up. I'm gonna write one for Denki, it'll basically be a continuation of this story. (I won't show you because then it would spoil the ending of this book)

Anyway! Other character stories will not be a continuation of this. I would like some suggestions though, just make sure it's Mha.

Btw everything in this story is not cannon (if that's how you spell it Idk) Anyway thank you!


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