
23 1 1

I'm scared.. it's dark.. to dark.. I can't see anything.. where am I.. WHERE AM I?! wait.. what is that?

It's coming closer
And closer
And closer.. 

WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! wait.. that's the thing that attacked us at the USJ a few months ago.. a.. nomu? I think it's called. They're pretty strong and deadly, maybe if it kills me in here then I'll die in my sleep.

That's never gonna happen..

Huh? The scene just changed.. it's.. Denki?.. "Your such a freak Izuku" what?.. w-why is he saying that.. "I would be happier if you died"

You Said you would be sad.. WHY IS HE SAYING THIS?!?!

an hour later I finally woke up from the constant torment of those words..

I looked around the room and noticed it was still night time, so I fell back asleep hoping that I don't have another nightmare. Haha.. I just jinxed myself..

I'm running through a deep dark forest with a shadowing figure chasing, I'm curious of what it is but I don't want to look.

You know what I'm gonna look, it's.. me..?  Wait.. why does I have a gun?.. I'm pointing at me and then at my head.

I know what I'm trying to tell me.. that's gonna be how I die..

The scene then changes to me holding a rope, I'm gonna hang myself? I guess I didn't die from the shot.

The scene then changes again to me holding a knife to my neck, looks like I'm gonna die from slitting my neck.

All three scenes keep repeating over and over again.

Hello!! Sorry sorry it's a pretty short chapter. I haven't posted on this for a while since I've been working on making videos for my YT channel. Go check out my villian deku series and my abused/suicidal deku series.

Villian Deku series is called: Truely evil. And the abused/suicidal deku series is called: help.. me.. I might make a wattpad story about it later but idk.

Anyway cya!

I have nothing to say right now.. so.. bye.. I guess..

Why am I still here? -Izuku's Story-  (DONE)Where stories live. Discover now