What did I do?

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I don't know what I did for you
all to hate me.. just know I didn't
mean it. I know Kacchan told you all
those things, but there not true. I
also know that you all are so gullible,
aka easily tricked. Some heroes you
will ever be, also Kacchan I have three
words to say to you.. I know i'll probably
get a beating but I'm used to that already.

Here they are.. I hate you.


I finished writing the note and placed it onto the island bench in the kitchen, I then grabbed my bag and left the dorms to go to UA. Honestly with all the bullying and stuff.. I'm starting to not really like this school, the teachers aren't doing anything.. Denki and Mr Aizawa are the only people here for me.

It seemed like those rumours Kacchan spread got through the entire school.  *sigh* Why did he have to betray me all those years ago? It's not my fault I came back from the doctors office as a quirkless person, it's not my fault I was born.. IT'S NOT MY FAULT I'M STILL HERE! I can feel water going down my face, looks like I'm crying.. haha what a crybaby huh?

Anyway! Let's get to school now.

As I walked to school then people who were doing the same thing looked at me in disgust, I hang my head down and continued walking. I walked through the hallways of the school just listening to all the insults the other students call me.

I didn't really care anymore because I knew they were all true, heroes always tell the truth. Even if these kids will be terrible heroes, they'll be just like Endeavor and AllMight! A bunch of idiotic assholes that will only get targeted! *tsk* I'm getting sick of the fucking school, I'M GETTING SICK OF THIS FUCKING LIFE!

sigh* I will never understand why he did all those things, I will never understand why they all believed him. EVEN MY OWN MOTHER BELIEVED HIM! DID SHE NOT SEE ALL THE SCARS AND BRUISES I GOT FROM HIM?!

......Why is everyone believing him? After school I went back to the dorms and saw a note on the kitchen table, I opened it and decided to read it. There were ten words, the exact same words Kacchan told me in middle school.

I had to update this since for some reason it decided to delete a few words. So I updated it and added a few more things.

It's Izuku's turn now.

Thank you author!

Well since your read this chapter you all might know some of the stuff that will be in the next chapter. It will be just the start though. Anyways! Thank you for reading this chapter and the author and I will see you soon!


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