Comforted by Denki

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How fun! I've tortured by my classmates once again! Right now I'm in the bathroom with the door locked and nowhere to go, not like I care even though this is probably the most disgusting place in the school at least I don't have to be near them.

I just heard the door open and I'm actually quite worried about who it be.. I can feel tears streaming down my face while my breathing begins to get unstable. I can't see anything anymore.. I'm scared who is it?! The tears stopped when I felt a familiar touch.

I looked up and saw Denki hugging me, he then helped me up and walked me to an empty classroom. He somehow knew that I needed to be alone.. he still stayed with me and layed me down on his lap while stroking his fingers through my hair.. It was relaxing when he or Mr Aizawa did it, they weren't rough.

In fact they were gentle and despite the fact that I want to die something is just holding me back.. I know that if I die they'd be devastated and I don't want that.. but I also don't want to be alive.. maybe I'll try to hold off a little bit longer.

Denki is still stroking his fingers through my hair while softly humming a little tune, the tune is calming but I don't know what it is, He's always making stuff like this up.. I'm glad he has such a creative mind unlike mine..

He does this for hours and before he knew it the bell went telling us that it was time to go home, aka go to the dorms. Denki and I stood up off of the ground, and began walking to the dorms together.

He looked happy at the fact that I've calmed down a bit, he could still see the fear in my face. I wasn't as scared as before and I was definitely more relaxed but I was still a little scared.

When we got inside of the dorms we walked up the stairs and entered our room, Denki closed the door behind us and we walked over to my bed sitting down. We then turned on a movie and began watching it, while watching the movie Denki was rubbing my back in a circular motion.

An hour later I fell asleep on Denki, I could feel his hands beginning to stroke my hair again. I then noticed he stopped a few minutes later and I could hear snores, he fell asleep.

He makes me very happy.. hopefully I'm a little safer tomorrow..

Hello! So I'm working on another story called 'Little Villain' in the first chapter it does say that I'm taking a break from this book. And I actually kinda am.. I've just decided that I'll post chapters but they'll be later then usual..
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter..

Also Izuku is asleep so he won't be saying anything else.

Goodbye! Enjoy the other story!

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