5 (Part A)

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Snippet from Y/n's Diary

February 7, 2023

This date, I can never forget. That's when I tied the knot with the man of my dreams, Taehyung.

But now I wonder was it all really a dream?

Fast forward to February 10th, and we're at airport heading to Yoshi Haven, an island that's been on our bucket list ever since we were kids.

What better time to go than on our honeymoon? We thought.

As we got on the plane, I noticed how only few seats were taken. Yoshi Haven wasn't exactly a tourist hotspot, but that's what we loved about it.

I took my seat next to Taehyung, holding his hand tightly as we settled by the window. "Are you nervous?" he asked, knowing it was my first time flying. I nodded, and he leaned in to kiss me. "I'm right beside you; don't worry," he reassured me.

Just when we thought we were all set, an announcement hit us - our flight was delayed by two hours due to bad weather.

They said we could get off the plane and wait at the airport, but something made me feel oddly uneasy, and I wanted to stay put. Luckily, not many passengers chose to leave either. We all decided to remain seated in the plane itself.

Taehyung reached into his handbag, pulling out two fruit juice bottles. He handed one to me, to calm my nerves and suggested, "Why don't you take a little nap and rest on my shoulder?"

"I'm not sleepy, but I'm just too excited," I replied, downing the juice quickly. I rested my head on Taehyung's shoulder, chatting with him.

As the minutes passed, I couldn't even tell when I drifted off to sleep, but I remember feeling dizzy suddenly.

I woke up to the gentle taps on my shoulder and a voice calling out, "Miss, please wake up. We are about to leave. Please fasten your seatbelt. Excuse me, miss."

Rubbing my eyes, I saw an air hostess trying to wake me. I glanced beside me, but Taehyung's seat was empty. Maybe he went to the restroom, I thought, and quickly fastened my seatbelt as instructed.

The flight attendants began their announcement about takeoff procedures urging passengers to remain seated and avoid using the restrooms, but Taehyung was still nowhere to be seen.

Feeling uneasy, I stopped one of the passing air hostesses and asked, "Excuse me, my husband has been in the restroom for quite some time. Could you please check on him before we take off?"

She smiled kindly and replied, "Certainly, ma'am. I'll check, but we've already inspected the restrooms, and there was no one inside. But I'll double-check for you."

She disappeared towards the restroom area and returned with a concerned look on her face, saying, "Ma'am, there's no one in there."

I couldn't believe it. I unfastened my seatbelt and headed towards the restroom, but Taehyung was nowhere to be found. I scanned the plane in a panic, then turned back to the hostess, asking, "Have you seen my husband? He was sitting beside me..."

She looked puzzled and said, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but as far as I remember, you boarded the plane alone, and the seat beside you is ain't booked at all."

I insisted, trying to jog her memory, "No you're mistaking me for someone else. Please, try to remember correctly. You even welcomed us both on board and asked if we were newlyweds."

The air hostess looked at me with a puzzled expression and said, "Sorry, ma'am, I - I don't know what you're talking about. You boarded the plane alone. I remember correctly. "

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