5 (Part B)

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(continuation from last part)

I rushed to the police station, clutching Taehyung's sketch in my trembling hand. As I entered, a few police officers recognized me, and one of them stepped forward. "Hello, ma'am, aren't you our Mayor's daughter, Miss Y/n?"

I nodded, my heart pounding with anxiety, and he hurried towards me. "Ma'am, what happened? You should have called us to your place..." he began.

"Please," I implored, cutting him off, "I need to file a missing person complaint. Please, help me immediately."

"Sure, ma'am, our senior inspector handles all the VIP cases. Please come with me," the officer said, leading me towards what appeared to be the office of the senior inspector, Inspector Jeon.

We entered the cabin, and the officer who had accompanied me spoke up, "Sir, Miss Y/n wants to file an urgent complaint. Can you please attend to her first?"

Inspector Jeon glanced at us and replied firmly, "Officer Jacob, I think you can see I'm already attending someone. Please ask Miss Y/n to wait outside for her turn."

Officer Jacob appeared slightly flustered and turned to Inspector Jeon once more, saying, "Sir, Miss Y/n is our Mayor's daughter. Please attend to her on priority."

Inspector Jeon slammed his desk and spoke up "For me, every citizen coming with a complaint is the same priority, either wait or leave."

I turned to Officer Jacob, seeking a solution. "It's okay if Inspector Jeon is busy. Can't anyone else register my complaint?" I asked.

Jacob hesitated for a moment before responding, "Ma'am, actually, all cases related to our government or their families go directly to our senior inspectors. Inspector Jeon has just transferred here and has his own way of dealing with cases. Please don't mind his behavior. He doesn't really know who you are.... ."

I cut him off again, frustration and urgency driving my words. "It really doesn't matter to me who I am right now. I just want to file a complaint."

He nodded in understanding, handed me a glass of water, and asked me to wait in a chair outside Inspector Jeon's cabin. After a tense 15-minute wait, I was finally called into the inspector's office.

Inspector Jeon asked me to explain my case, and I told him that my husband had gone missing earlier in the day.

He responded, "I can't file a missing person report before 24 hours have passed."

But I insisted, "Officer, it's not as simple as it sounds," I pleaded.

Jeon asked, "What do you mean?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I explained, "I got married to Kim Taehyung just three days ago, and today we were on our way to our honeymoon. Our flight got delayed, and I took a nap. But when I woke up, I couldn't find him anywhere. Strangely, all the plane staff said I boarded the plane alone, and his number is also unavailable. Even my own mom denies recognizing him. Somehow, it seems Taehyung was never here," I said, my voice breaking.

That's when a voice came from behind me, cold and dismissive. "Because he never did... he didn't exist. You're being delusional, Y/n."

I turned around, shocked, to find my father standing there. He came forward, and Inspector Jeon looked at him, clearly puzzled, but bowed in greeting. "Hello, Mr. Y/sn."

My father extended his hand to Jeon and said, "Hello, officer. I've never seen you here before."

Jeon replied, "I transferred here a week ago, sir. I'm Jeon Jungkook."

My father gave Jeon a smile, though I could sense its fake, and said, "Actually, my daughter has been under a lot of stress lately. Please don't mind her. I'll take her with me."

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