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Snippet from Y/n's Diary

I woke up today with a sore throat, a raspy reminder of the cold I must have caught. Groaning, I reached for the bottle of water on my bedside table, gulping it down greedily. Just as I finished, my phone buzzed with an incoming message from my sister, Holly. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" it read.

I groaned louder this time, sinking back into my pillows. No, I don't hate Holly. In fact, she's a sweetheart and the only family I have left. But she's so unlike me. So different and... and lovable by all. On the other hand, people think I'm more practical and money-minded. I won't deny that fact, though. However, it doesn't mean I'm heartless or don't want to be loved.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of our 7-day holiday. We haven't been on any vacation since our parents passed away, and now, Holly, her new boyfriend, and I are going to Italy. Her boyfriend... I've never been in a relationship myself. Why?

1. Because I have a set list of things that should be there in my partner.

2. Because he has to be rich. After our parents passed away, the world taught me just one thing: people value you only if you have a fat bank account.

3. And because all the boys I've ever had a crush on always, always end up proposing to my sister. She's that lovable.

I sighed, throwing my phone aside and staring at the ceiling. Italy. Holly had been planning this trip for months, and I knew how much it meant to her. She deserved a break, a chance to unwind and be happy. And I wanted to be happy for her, I really did. But the thought of tagging along with her and her new boyfriend, whom I haven't even met yet, made my stomach churn.

He's a nice guy, from what Holly tells me. Polite, charming, and absolutely smitten with her. But every time I imagine them together, I can't help but feel like the odd one out, the third wheel in their picture-perfect romance. It's not that I resent them; I just wish for once, someone would look at me the way they look at each other.

But even as I tried to be optimistic, one thought kept intruding. Whenever I hear about her boyfriend, it reminds me of a guy for whom I was so ready to crumble down the list of my expectations, to manipulate it so it suits him. Taehyung. The marketing manager at our company. He was opposite of my expectations list yet was everything I wanted, and more. But he also left me alone. He left the company a year ago and now I don't know where he is.

I tried to push the thoughts of Taehyung away as
I dragged myself out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Pale, tired eyes stared back at me. "Get it together," I muttered to my reflection. "It's just a week. You can survive a week."

My reflection also screamed for a new haircut. Only two months ago, I had one at my regular salon, but it was a total disaster. So, I decided to find a new one after work today. Maybe a fresh look would help me feel a bit better about the trip—and about everything else.


On my way back home after work, I heard about a new mall that had opened nearby. It was the talk of the town these days. Word was that many high-end brands were there, along with some great salons. So, I decided to drive over and check it out.

I parked my car and walked towards the entrance. The interior of the mall was unlike any other I’d seen, exuding an air of luxury and sophistication. "Perfect," I muttered as soon as I stepped inside. The décor was pristine, with gleaming marble floors and elegant lighting fixtures that made everything sparkle. Just as my liking.

Near the entrance, I noticed a couple of vending machines with a signboard that read, "Currency not accepted. Please exchange your currency into currency tokens to shop." I blinked, intrigued by the novel concept. "Uhh... that's a cool idea," I thought, realizing that the mall management could track the transaction amounts more effectively this way. It was a clever and modern twist on traditional mall shopping.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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