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Snippet from Y/n's Diary

In the garden of our love, where colors once danced,
Now it's a faded canvas, a romance left entranced.
Your laughter, a rhythm, in the echoes of the breeze,
Yet here I stand alone, among the silent trees.

We intertwined like vines, rooted in the earth's embrace,
Promises blossomed, a bond nothing could erase.
But time unfolded, and like leaves in the fall,
Our love drifted away, leaving an empty sprawl.

Moonlit nights, we painted dreams in the sky,
Now stars weep silently, asking me why.
The footprints we left, washed by the tide,
In the sands of memory, our love does hide.

In this garden of memories, where flowers once bloomed,
Now it's a graveyard of emotions, where love is entombed.
Our story, a novel with missing pages,
Lost in the labyrinth of time's winding stages.

Yet, amidst the ruins, a flicker remains,
A flame of remembrance, enduring the pains.
In the echoes of what once was us,
A bittersweet nostalgia, a love that's now a hush.

Happy New Year Fam!!!

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