This material word is a mystical place where you, me and all kinds of creatures stay here. You may probably be wondering what this book is about or what it talks about. Starting with, this world is a modern world where we use gadgets like mobile phones, television, washing machine etc. But we get so engrossed in it that we forget about the world around us. People also start overthinking and people also continuously think about their loved ones. Indeed, that’s how we are made but the very existence of our true form is not only related to this material world, but it is related to who we are. For example, let’s take a fan which primarily helps in producing air. Now do you think the existence of the fan is merely a circular disk with wings protruding around its edges. No, the motor present inside of it helps it to rotate. The same way the body which is present is not the real form rather it just helps us to sustain in this real world. The wings of the fan are like the legs and hands of a human which helps us with our daily routine activities. The circular disk is the human brain which is the centre of all those actions. In this material world, the world’s strongest weapon is not a missile but it’s our own human brain.
What we think is what we become. The secret of the universe lies in this brain, but we tend to forget its capability. We are so busy in this modern world that we tend to forget to question who we are. Since the time of the Greek era many great philosophers have emphasized on a common question which is “Who am I?”. Philosophers like Aristotle, Plato, Socrates and many such great thinkers were concerned about thy than the surroundings. This world keeps on adapting to various things and so do you. Human beings keep on evolving not restricted to mere physical features but the way of communicating, dress code and the way we behave. Why is it so important to be concerned about yourself?
An individual is constituted with five main components of nature: wind, fire, water, earth and sky which is written in the holy books named “Vedas”. These elements are also called prana or pranas of an individual. To understand in an easy way, it can similarly be compared to the senses like 1. Vision 2. Smell 3. Taste 4. Hear 5. Touch. Every minute thing in this world is interconnected. Be it as small as an ant to a large human being.
Let’s talk about our world. Each of us is occupied with our own lives be it a doctor, engineer, employee, a delivery boy to a housewife and a working woman. To work is what we live for. But working without knowing who you are, does it bring any value to it. Imagine you talk with your best friend, and you don’t know who he is then it’s simply like talking with a stranger. The same thing applies to your own perspective.
To be specific this material world is formed by an energy called as maya (material energy) in which we are trapped in. Perhaps, we can understand it with an example. Suppose a person who has committed various crimes like theft and murder is caught by a policeman and then he sends him to a prison cell. That prison cell is of an atmosphere which gives a feeling of trapped and this cell can be symbolised to the maya or the trapping energy which restricts an individual to leave the cell. Ultimately making the individual suffer.
SpiritualHumans are striving for a better life, working all night and earning money. But that isn't worth the effort because unless you know your thy then it's not worth it. The material world and its constituent energy bind us to a body that we aren't aware...