Chapter 4: Emotions

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Monty's POV:

Monty smiled a bit as he saw you fall asleep, seeing you snuggled up in the blanket was just.. relaxing.

He couldn't help but take a picture of you, and send it to his friends. He texted, "Someone passed out."

"Monty! He shouldn't be sleeping during work hours, he could get in trouble." Freddy scolded over text.

"Relax fazbutt, I'm wakin' him up once the clock hits 8. The kid had a long day, give 'em a break." Monty replied, and Freddy couldn't argue with that.


Your POV:

You felt a gentle touch on your shoulder, starting to shake you slightly. As your eyes crept open, you blurry vision became clear, seeing the green alligator right in front of you.

"Wake up, Cher. Everyone's finally gone." Monty said in a soft tone.

Weird, you didn't really see Monty to be the soft and caring type.

You groaned as you slowly sat up, rubbing your eyes. "Mmm.. thanks Monty, I appreciate it." You smiled tiredly.

"No problem. Don't forget that we're still hangin' out later." He grinned.

You nodded, still attempting to wake up. "I know, don't worry. I'm excited though.. haven't enjoyed myself this much in a while." You said with a smile.

As you finally hopped off of the couch, you let out a small groan. You started to put your shoes back on, and then a question popped into your head.

"Y'know, Monty.. what would you consider us? Are we friends yet? I don't mean to be pushy- I'm just curious.." You say awkwardly.

Monty shrugs, "I'd say so. I feel comfortable around ya, and you and I get along just fine. I wouldn't usually let someone who isn't a friend sleep on my couch." He says with a chuckle.

"Cool." Was all you could say, but it was obvious this really made you happy. You couldn't stop smiling, you had finally befriended him! It made you happy that he was learning to grow and trust you, and you were glad to just be able to be friends with him.

"Thank you Monty." Was what you blurted out next, causing Monty to smile.

"Don't be thankin' me, if anything I should be thankin' you." Monty chuckled, stretching his arms out and letting out a low groan.

"Alright, I should probably get to my shift. You think we should just go ahead and get maintenance over with early?" You suggested to Monty, and he shrugged.

"Nah, let's give everyone else a bit of time to cool down, they had a pretty long day. I just avoided everyone for the rest of the day so I could watch over you, 'n make sure you woke up on time." He replied.

"Well, I don't have much to do for the next hour. Do you wanna walk around the Plex with me while I do my security duties?" You suggested, to which he obliged.

"Hell yeah, ain't got nothin' better to do." He chuckled.


As you and Monty walked around the Pizzaplex, you came across Bonnie Bowling, which seemed to make Monty a big uncomfortable.

"Who's.. 'Bonnie'?" You questioned curiously.

Monty seemed to just brush your question off, "No one.. anymore. Got decommissioned." Is all he said, visibly uncomfortable by the question.

You decided to just let it go, not wanting to pry more. "Alright." Was all you could say as the two of you continued to walk.

As the two of you continued to walk around and monitor the Plex, you suddenly spotted something.

A Change of Heart (Monty x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now