Chapter 6: Rushing

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Your POV:

You let out a loud yawn as you sat up, slowly looking at your surroundings. Monty was nowhere to be found, so you figured he must've already been working.

You rubbed your eyes, and slowly slipped off of the couch, looking around his room. It was pretty dark, but you could still make out most of it. You had to admit, he had a very nice room. The green color was really pretty, and easy on the eyes.

You checked your watch for the time, at it was only just after 11am. You hadn't meant to have slept that late, but it wasn't a big deal to you.

"I'm up! :)" Is what you texted Monty, you just figured you'd let him know since you stayed in his room.

"Next performance is at 12pm, you wanna come?" He texted back.

"Sure, but I gotta start getting ready, I'll see you then!" You replied, and set your phone down.

To your surprise, Monty had a shower. It confused you a bit since he didn't really have a need for it, but it was beneficial to you, so you didn't question it.

You took the extra change of clothes and other hygiene equipment out of your bag, and headed for the shower. It did feel a bit awkward showering in the Pizzaplex, but you'd get over it eventually.

After you got out of the shower, you were soaked, and there was a problem. You forgot to grab a towel, and you weren't sure where to get one.

You quickly picked up your watch, and texted Monty, "Showered but forgot my towel.. where do you keep them?" You asked frantically.

"In my dresser, bottom shelf. We don't need guests seeing your junk." He replied, causing you to roll your eyes.

You finally found the towels and took one, starting to dry your hair, and then the rest of you off. It was colder in his room than you enjoyed, but you'd live.


You headed on down to the main area where the food court was, so you could get a good seat to see the stage. You found one at the front, so you quickly rushed over there.

Once you sat down, you finally relaxed a little, waiting for the show, which didn't start for another 15 minutes.

As you waited, a man that didn't look much older than you came up to you, sitting at your table with a grin. You felt a bit uncomfortable by it, but you figured you wouldn't be rude about it.

"What's someone as cute as you doin' at the Plex during this time of day?" The guy asked, making you even more uncomfortable.

"I work here, I'm just waiting for the show." You replied with a smile, ignoring his flirtatious comment.

This seemed to agitate him a bit, but he didn't say anything about it. Instead, he decided to keep chancing it, "How about we trade numbers? I'd love to get to know you better." He smirked, and you weren't sure what to say.

To your luck, the show decided to start early, causing you to feel relieved since you got out of that conversation. The guy ended up staying at your table, but didn't say anything else.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for, please welcome, Freddy Fazbear and his crew!" The loudspeaker announced, and everyone cheered.

You watched as the stage slowly floated upwards until the animatronics reached the top to where they were in everyone's line of sight. You smiled a bit, waving to Monty as he looked around in the crowd.

When he spotted you, he smiled at first, but then a slight frown former on his face when he saw another guy at your table. He didn't cause a scene, but he felt.. jealous and upset, but yhe couldn't tell why.

You watched their show intently, and it was amazing! The animatronics looked at you frequently throughout the show, and you smiled every time. "Woooo!" Was all you could say as everyone cheered.

The show lasted for about 20 minutes, before and then the animatronics finally lowered back off of the stage, meaning that they were probably headed to Parts and Service.

You had the bright idea to go and meet them down there, since you were an employee and had a pass. You got up, but something grabbed your arm before you could walk off, it was that man again.

"We never did get to exchange numbers hot stuff. C'mon, let's go do something fun. The name's David." He grinned, causing you to be even more uncomfortable than before.

"Uhm.. I'm sorry, I'm not interested." Was all you could mutter, trying to get out of his grasp.

"Oh c'mon, I know cuties like you enjoy playing hard to get. Now, lemme have that number." He winked, still trying.

You finally pulled your arm away and scurried off to Parts and Service, trying to get as much distance as you could from him.

It didn't take long to get there, and once you did, you rushed in. All four of the animatronics were standing there talking, and quickly looked at you as you rushed in.

"Is everything alright Y/n??" Freddy asked worriedly, and you nodded your head.

"I-I'm fine, don't worry. Just had a bad interaction with someone, that's all." You said, visibly uncomfortable.

"Who was that guy that was sittin' by you at your table?" Monty questioned, seeming a bit annoyed for some reason.

"The person I was talking about, the dude is a creep. Wouldn't stop flirting with me and grabbed my arm because I had 'forgotten' to give him my number. Arm's still a bit sore because of it." I said uncomfortably.

Monty let out a low growl, "What was his name?"

"David, but don't go do anything Monty, it's not worth it." You explain, and he just let out a huff.

"Anyways.. I liked your performance! You all did amazing!" You exclaimed, changing the tone of the conversation.

They all smiled and thanked you, though Monty smirked, "Not surprised, I saw how you were looking at me Cher." He chuckled.

You flustered, "I was just enjoying the songs and being supportive!" You retaliated.

Everyone else laughed, though you couldn't help hit blush a bit. "Monty and I are just friends!"

"Just friends my ass!" Roxy blurted, and Freddy scolded her.

You couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable, "Well uhh.. my shift isn't for another 3 and a half hours, I think I'm gonna go back and rest for a bit." You said, and made your way back to Monty's room.

Monty rolled his eyes, "Look what y'all did.. I'll go talk to him." He chuckled, and followed behind you.


You slumped down on Monty's couch and sighed, unsure of how to feel. You hadn't really considered even potentially having feelings for the gator, and it seemed a bit weird even if you did. A human with an animatronic, how would that go? How would people react? Did he even have.. those parts?

You shook your head, needing to stop thinking on that.

Monty eventually entered his room, and slumped onto the cushion beside you. "What's up Cher? You alright?" He questioned, looking down at you.

You nodded, "Yeah, just got a bit uncomfortable was all, no biggie." You shrugged.

His age rows formed a frown, "I'm sorry, need me to do somethin'? I can talk to 'em if you need." He offered.

You shook your head, "Nah it's fine, I'll live. I feel like everyone's trying to rush feelings between us that I'm not sure are there. Even if I did like you like that, I wanna be able to figure it out myself, instead of having it pushed on me. Y'know?"

He nodded, "I getcha. Just let me know if I need to say or do something, alright Cher?" He reassured.

You blushed a little and gave him a soft hug, holding onto him for a bit. "This feels nice.." You sighed with relief, and then finally pulled away.

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