Chapter 5: Mending

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Your POV:

You didn't know where to run, but you were almost out of breath. Was Monty right about what he said? Yes. You hadn't meant to have fallen, you were just curious.


Monty's POV:

Freddy ran up to Monty as he finally stopped bothering to chase after Y/n, and the rest of the crew was right behind him.

"What happened? We heard someone scream, is everything okay??" Freddy questioned anxiously, his ears going down.

Monty groaned and sighed, "No it's not okay! Apparently he got curious because he saw the catwalks up at the golf course, and was checking them out, and he slipped off! He could've gotten killed, and could've gotten me decommissioned! I yelled at him, and now he's ran off!"

Roxy and Chica both tried to calm Monty down, and it worked surprisingly.

"Alright, let's split up and look for him. I'll check the atrium, Chica go check the daycare area, Roxy you check the main area, and Monty, go check Rockstar Row." Freddy planned, and they all nodded.

Monty headed on to Rockstar Row. He was still upset, but he also felt bad for scolding you like that. When he got to the hall, he noticed a piece of paper in front of his door.

It was a note? "Hey Monty. I know I could've just texted this to you, but it felt more genuine to me if I just wrote this down. I'm sorry for risking my life, and risking your decommission. I honestly didn't think about the fact that you could get in trouble if something were to happen to me. By the time you're reading this, I've already clocked out early. It's probably better that I take a break from the Plex for the rest of the night anyways. I'm sorry about our plans, but I figure you probably wouldn't want to continue them after what happened. I understand if this caused you not to trust me anymore. I'm sorry. -Y/n." The note read out.

Monty just stood there in shock as he read it. The fact that you were this genuine was shocking to him, and he even more bad. "Fuck." He snarled, forgetting that you guys had plans to hangout.

Monty sent a chat to his friends, letting them know about the entire thing.


Your POV:

You sniffled a bit as you drove down the interstate on your way home. You had already let your boss know that you needed to clock out early, so you wouldn't get in trouble.

It didn't take long to get home, probably because you were speeding. You made sure not to wake up or disturb your mother as you walked through the front door, and then headed on up to your room.

You slumped onto your bed and just sighed. You realized that you just needed to focus on working from now on, and not have any distractions. The animatronics didn't plan on trusting you in the first place, so it was probably best if you just started doing your job professionally.


Over the next two weeks, you strictly kept your interactions with the animatronics to a minimum, only calling them for check-ups, or helping them whenever they needed repairs. You had to admit, it did hurt.

The others noticed this a lot, unsure of what to do as you drifted apart. Monty was affected by this more than the others, he was both angry and upset.

It was a Friday evening, and it was about time for the maintenance check-up. You sighed and headed on down to Parts and Service. The animatronics still tried to talk to you when you'd do the daily maintenance, but you often just didn't put anything towards the conversation.

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