Chapter 4: Party time game time

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And finally... Yasuo. 

Ekko: You sure they'll be okay with all of us coming over? 

Y/N: Dog, it's a big house, they won't notice us. 

Ezzy: It better be worth it. 

I look back into Ezzy's eyes. 

Y/N: It will, what if Lux is there? 

Ezzy: Bro... now you got my hopes up. 

Ekko: Yeah buddy! 

I get out, heading around back to Yasuo's room door. 



Yasuo: Fuck you! *Grumbling, light giggle* 

Y/N: Come on Yasuo, come to the party with us! 

Yasuo: I don't feel like it! 

Y/N: Come on, it'll be fun! You can just sit on the couch and vibe out if you don't want to party! 

Yasuo: No!

Y/N: Bro, this is what we've been waiting for! We finally get to meet all the popular girls! Get with the popular kids! This is it! Besides... I know there's someone that'll be happy to see you. 

Yasuo opens the door, looking like he's been crying. 

Long hair, same old Yasuo, wearing his pajamas. 

He always rocks the pajama fit. 

Y/N: Shit... you alright man? 

Yasuo: No... Yone... didn't make it. 

Yone is... WAS... Yasuo's brother. 

Four or so years ago, he got diagnosed with melanoma, right in his shoulder. 

He was like a chill uncle to me and the rest of the guys. 

I guess he passed, and his brother... forced through the wringer of grief. 

Y/N: Come here man... 

I hug him, like a bro should. 

Yasuo: Thanks... man... thanks...

Y/N: This why you hadn't been on or... out with us lately? 

Yasuo: Yeah...

Y/N: Hey... that's alright, you're going through a lot. If you need anything man, hit me up, hit all of us up. 

Yasuo: Tell the boys but... don't tell everyone. 

Y/N: Sure, so you're not coming tonight? 

I let go of him, he shakes his head. 

Y/N: Okay... hey, you don't have to suffer through this alone, kay? 

Yasuo: Thanks... Y/N... 

Y/N: See ya.

Yasuo: Bye. 

I head back to the truck, starting it up. 

Ekko: No Yassy?

Ezzy: He gets to stay home, but I don't?!

Y/N: Guys! Yasuo's brother passed away. 

Ekko: Oh shit, when?

Y/N: Recently I assume, that's why he hasn't been hanging with us all last week and into this one. 

Ekko: Shit... well... he need anything? 

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