Chapter 22: WOOHOO!!!

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Here we go...

Everyone: 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...


It's a New Year's party, where everyone's parents meet, and the kids get to party in the basement or outside if they can stomach the cold. The parents are busy mingling, while we get to be jackasses.

Evie: DARLING!!!

Ahri: Y/N!!!

I start crawling backwards, away from the two tailed women trying to steal her kiss.

Y/N: NO!!! NO-NO-NO!

Evie: What do you mean "no"?! NEW YEAR'S KISS!!!


Y/N: SERA!!!

I run over to Sera, and she's playing around with all the younger kids and family members. We're at Ahri's house, so there's little fox people running around and Akali's foster brothers all running around, wilding out.

Sera: Y/N!!!

I grab her, pulling her out of a pillow fort and up to her feet.

Evie: Oh, how traditional!

Ahri: Evie... it's his day one...

I spin Seraphine around, lowering her down to kiss her as her feet slowly slip, but she trusts me as her hair hits the floor.



I let her back up, and she has nothing but a blush behind those pretty glasses. I'm happy I met her, and the other girls too, but without her, I don't think I'd have had a chance.

They said they liked me for a while, but... no, I doubt it. There's no way... hmmm... oh shit...

My chest starts to tense up, I can hardly feel myself able to breathe, my heart is pounding though. I can feel... my hands starting to shake, I need to get the fuck out of here. The eyes, STOP STARING AT ME!!! STOP!!! FUCKFUCKFUCK!!!

I grab my coat-

Evie: Darling-

I barge right through her.

Y/N: S-sorry!

Fuck, good job Y/N, you're now going to pass out before you get up the stairs, why did you do that?! She didn't deserve that, hell, I don't deserve her for even doing something like that.

Sera: Uh oh...

Uh oh, uh oh is right, holy shit, this is bad. I NEED TO GO!!!

I zoom up the stairs-

Mom: There he is!

STOP!!! Look down... just look down. I put my jacket on and try my best to block out the viewers.

Someone muffled: You uhhh... is he a little special?

Mom: Honey! Oh jeez...

Dad: Boy, ohhh... I know what's going on.

I can hear them both turn around and try and deflate the other concerned parents, and hopefully that inconsiderate fucking dickhead that thought I was on the spectrum.


I go right out the front door, away from everybody, no peeping eyes or watchers staring at me out here. Fuck... why did I kiss her in front of everyone? Why did I- oh fuck... j-just breathe...

Just breathe...

I feel dizzy, so I sit down on the front steps, hugging the railing on the side. I'm still shaking, involuntarily flexing my muscles, just like that party... I just... try and close my eyes and stay calm...

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