Chapter 20: I Just Wanted to Build Legos...

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A quick dinner with the fam, and a quick night of slumber, and I was all... ready to go for my downtime.

Let's fucking go... Lego building time...

Legos are a gift from the cosmos, I swear. Something about clicking parts together to make some giant, blocky toy, is so fucking sick.


Really love the Rover, I'm happy they handed it down. This is serving me well, especially with the heated seats...

Although... for the Lego session, she wanted me to meet at Eve's... hmmmm...

We must stay focused, brothers.

I pull into the driveway, and her parents' car isn't here...

I get out, heading right to the front door where Evie was waiting for me.

Evie: DARLING!!!!

She yanks on me, pulling me right through the door without a second thought, throwing me into the other girls.

Sera, Kai, Kali: Y/N!!!

Ahri was there... but I'm sure with all the peer pressure she's been getting, she's a little nervous. Her tails are curled up, and she's not going to crawl on me or bend over to look in the fridge anytime soon.

Each one of them has an ugly sweater on, and when I turn around... Evie does too...

Y/N: I hope you guys know what has to happen?

Evie: Hmmm... what is it?

Y/N: Heh...

I unzip my jacket slowly, and she's starting to lick her lips like I'm doing something sexual, has she not figured out by now that I'm not like that? LOOK AT MY UGLY ASS CHRISTMAS SWEATER RAAAAAH!!!

Evie: Oh my... hehe... *giggle turning into a chuckle*

All the girls laugh at it, and it's adorable, it's got a really horrible design on it. Thanks, Unc...

A snowman that looks straight out of Minecraft, is it a dick? Is it a cigar? The world may never know what he's holding down there, but there's some white stuff coming out like smoke, or... something else.

Evie: That's gonna be you later...

Sera: I hope not, smokers die young!

Shows how opposite they really are. Both of them kiss me on the cheek and Kai leads me to the lounge area, where a Lego set was waiting for me.

Sera: Did you bring one of yours?

Evie: Well, what's that bag he's got?

My Lego gets ripped out of the bag by Kali, and she plops it down on the table, atop Sera's. I don't get it, but something about her loving Legos is simply amazing.

Evie: When I thought you guys were going to build Legos, this is not what I had in mind...

Kai: Neither did I...

Y/N: Well, what did you expect?

Evie smirks at me, and pretends to lift up her sweater, softly moaning and flirtatiously giggling like she always did. Reminds me of Yordle Studies...

Right as I see a bit of reverse cleavage, Kai smirks uncomfortably and pulls it down.

Y/N: I-I just wanted to build Legos...

Kai: Oh? W-well...

Kai starts to lift her purple ugly sweater, then Evie yanks it down.

Evie: If I can't "build Legos", nobody can!

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