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Viktoriya was outside of Nick Fury's home. With a cellphone held to her ear. Nick was inside the house. The phone was ringing. On the other line, Bucky Barnes answered. "Who is this?" He asked, intimidating. "Hello James." She said. "Viktoriya! You're back from Wakanda? Or are you calling me from there. I saw the news. Tell me you made it out okay." He said, caringly. "I... was out of Wakanda. When attack happen. I was not there. But I would have saved Queen." She said. Bucky didn't say anything. She didn't say any more either. "Buck, I am worried." She said. "I feel. Scare." She told him. "You're scared? That... is a first." He mentioned. "What's going on?" He asked her.

"I see people turn into..."

"... turn into what? Vik. What's going on?"

"I cannot tell you over cellular phone. They may hear and find location of us. I cannot compromise Fury."

"Nick Fury? He's alive? And you're with him?"

"Da. Fury is alive. But, James, I do not know what is real and what is not. All I am sure of, is YOU are real. And Fury is real. I seen ally change. Right in front of me. I befriend, one of the others though."

"One of the others. You made a friend with them. Okay. Um... where are you?"

"I am at Fury home. But Buck, one of them is evil soul. He want World to burn. We stop one plan to start fire. But he has more. Hundreds more. And we cannot stop hundreds of fire. The World will burn. Bucky Barnes. And I cannot die in fire, not by you."

"Okay. Well, where is Fury living? Tell me and I'll come find you."

"Vik!" Nick Fury called out. She looked to him. "Say goodbye to your friend. We gotta go. I have a job for you." He said to her. Then he headed through the house. Viktoriya headed inside. "If you hear of bombing, I was there." She said and hung up. Bucky expressed worry. Then he headed out.

Viktoriya followed Nick, and they went to his SUV and got in. She buckled in nicely, and he drove away. "What is mission?" She asked. "We're going to talk to James Rhodes. Well, I will. You just do your usual kinda, intimidating bodyguard duty." He informed. "Okay." She responded. And was calm. He drove to James Rhodes' house, and they got out. Then they walked up and she broke the lock. Then they went inside. Nick went to a counter and poured two glasses of alcohol, then he went to the table, and he pulled a chair out and sat down. "Pour this into his drink. Half of it." He told her quietly. So she did. And closed the vile. Then handed it back to him and he tucked it into his pocket. She stood by him. They both watched James Rhodes enter the room. "You mind telling me, why you're here? With a tall white girl looking like your bodyguard?" James Rhodes asked. "Because I'm here to tell you about something." Nick told him. "Please. Have a seat. Enjoy a drink with me.". He added. Rhodes was a bit reluctant. But then he joined. "I only am, cause she looks like she's gonna kill me if I don't." James said. And took the drink. "What's on your mind?" He asked. Then, he took a drink. "There is proof. In the media, in a lot of coverage, there is Skrulls. In the Government." Nick warned. "Here we go again. With the aliens. How is that supposed to come up in court? Nick? Claiming aliens exist on this Earth?" James asked.

"They're everywhere! You just need to know where to look! If I had my job back, I could show you. Legally. And properly." Nick said. "If you had your job back. Well, let me show you a little something." James said. Then he stood and went to his television. He used the remote and changed it to show footage from a street camera, that Nick shot Maria Hill. Viktoriya started to march over. Nick stood. "Vik!" He commanded. She stopped. James looked nervously, over his shoulder. "We've seen enough." Nick said. Then he headed out. Viktoriya turned and headed out with Nick. He let her walk out first. Then he followed and closed the door. They went to the SUV and got in.

Nick looked at his cellphone. "Talos is gonna meet up with us." He said. "James Rhodes is alien. Bad alien." She said. "He is?!" Nick asked. "Dat or he working with them. For survival." She said. "I'll take your word for it." Nick said. Then he drove on. He went to the place to pick up Talos, and Viktoriya got in the back. Talos smiled and thanked her for letting him sit in the front with his friend. Nick drove back to James Rhodes' place. He explained he gave James a liquid tracker. Talos was impressed. And once James Rhodes left his place, they stalked him from a safe distance. Where he headed, was to the airport to meet The President.

When they got close to the airport, they saw explosions! Talos looked at Nick. Nick veered off the road, cutting through the ditch. Viktoriya held onto the seats as he did. He drove up and through a few vehicles and stopped, in the action. The three of them got out. "We gotta get to the President!" Nick said. Viktoriya looked up. Then she ran to the back. "Give me big gun!" She said. Nick handed her a big gun, and she turned and aimed up. They both watched her shoot down a helicopter. She left the big gun and headed with them as they had a hand gun each. They made their way through military personnel fighting to shield The President. "I got this." Talos said. And he started to punch the glass. It was starting to break. Viktoriya pushed the SUV so it was a bit higher for him. The glass was still, only cracking. He pinched the glass another time, them he was shot! He sat down and turned against the SUV. Viktoriya let it settle. "Talos!" Nick cried out. He began to look half Skrull.

"Talos! Hang in there!" Nick said. He shot more that were against them. Talos began to punch the glass more. "Hey! That guy's an alien!" A soldier said. "He's with me! He's! With me!" Nick told the soldier. The soldier respected it, and he aimed at the others and began firing. Viktoriya kicked the glass once. And it busted into a million pieces. Talos sat back against the vehicle. Viktoriya got on her knee, then cradled the president's head. She ripped the seatbelt and let him drop carefully. Then she dragged him out. Nick picked up his feet as she carried him under his arms. "We'll be right back for you, Talos! Hang in there!" Nick said. They got The President into the passenger side of the vehicle. Viktoriya looked to see the trusted soldier was bringing Talos over. She opened the back door and climbed in. Then shut the door and looked. He was standing with Talos. Facing Nick. "Put him down. Now." Nick commanded. The soldier didn't obey. "Put. Him down. Now!" Nick commanded, a second time.

The soldier morphed into Gravik. Then he stabbed Talos! Nick watched in shock! And as his friend dropped to the ground. He shot Gravik in the chest! But Gravik healed! He shot him in the face, and he turned his face! Viktoriya watched in shock. Gravik turned back. With a face wound and glowing yellowish amber eyes. And the wound healed. A guy rode over on a police motorcycle. Gravik ran over and got on behind him. Then they rode away. Nick got in his SUV. He looked at Talos's lifeless body lying in the grass. Viktoriya looked to it, too. Then Nick drove on to flee the scene.

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