No Rest For The Wicked

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Daniell's POV
"Yeah, sure come on in".
"Thanks" He mumbled stepping in the house.
"Uh come on into the kitchen".
He followed me into the kitchen and we sat down at the island.
"How can I help you?".
"In town they've been talking about how Daniell Tanner and Charlotte Hendrickson's parents went missing and their houses caught on fire and nobody's seen them since"He explained.
"what town do you live in?"
"Okay you can continue".
"Well, my parents went missing and three weeks later my house caught on fire. I heard about you guys and I asked around and they saw you checked into a motel and I followed your trail to here".
"Wow your a good tracker, do you want to stay here?"
"If it's no trouble I'd love to!"
"Okay it's settled your moving in!"
We got all of his stuff, which wasn't a lot but I still helped.We took his stuff upstairs in a bedroom on the second floor and then we went to pull his car into the garage.
"Okay so four other people live in this house so I'm warning you its a little chaotic".
"Four other people?"
"Yeah, they are like us I'll introduce you".
I walked into the living room and dragged Alec to sit beside me on the couch.
"Who's this?"Dan asked
"This is Alec the same thing happened to him that happened to us, Alec this is Daniel or Dan my twin, this is Charlie, this is Riddley, and this is Harley" I said pointing around the room.
"Hi" Alec replied.
"Hey" they all said in unison.
"Finally another guy! We've been stuck with too many girls!" Harley shouted and Charlie hit him in the back of the head.
"When's your birthday Alec?" Dan asked.
"Next week, why?"
"I think we'll have a celebration"Dan replied.
For the rest of the day Alec hung out with me mostly but a few times he hung out with the others. Even though he's only been here a day he's became a awesome friend to all of us.
Once I got some time away from Alec I took Charlie and Dan outside to work with their powers. Dan almost mastered teleportation, Charlie has developed speed running, and I have succeeded at magic.
While we were resting from training I heard a gun cock. We all turned around and there was a man with two guns in his hand. Immediately we all used our powers and knocked him out but as we were fighting him he punched us all a few times. He was no match for us because it was three superhumans against one human. Once we knock him out Dan teleported him to a wolf den so he could be eaten. Once Dan got back we all ran inside and sat down on the couch not uttering a word about it to the others, and ironically 'ain't no rest for the wicked' came on the radio that was playing in the kitchen. Today was very eventful.

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