Report no. 001

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Before she made a healer, she made a destroyer...


Ruthless, cunning, cruel. He was the incarnation of violence, an invention that perfectly served his intended purpose. She was merely 14 when her father told her to create the most brutal killing machine possible. She was just a girl but her mind was a vast ocean. She could string up the most complicated equations and solve the most difficult software problems. At such an early age she was already blessed with astounding knowledge regarding the vast field of Robotics, cybernetics, and software development. A true genius.

"Hello, C.O.B.R.A. How are you feeling today?"

A soft, calm voice asking such a mundane question...

He didn't bother giving a reply just like he always does. He cannot be bothered by her little tests and experiments. He prefers sleeping in his pod, suspended in a peculiar liquid.

"Vital signs are great. Conscious but unresponsive when engaged in conversation." she noted down, typing away something on her holographic screen hovering in front of her.

Silky dark hair, pink highlights underneath.

He wondered what she was always typing on her screen. There are myriads of holograms and diagrams surrounding her all about him. What could possibly be so interesting about him, he wondered?

"We're going to do many great things together C.O.B.R.A. We're going to help a lot of people. Dad said as much. All we have to do is make you perfect."

Perfect... That's what she wanted out of him. Perfection. But what for?


After floating so long in that dreadfully boring vat, COBRA finally managed to leave the aquatic tomb. He was able to move but something about him was different. The girl did something to him...

He remembered being on an operating table while mechanical parts are one by one being melded into his body. She turned him into a weapon. She made him lethal. Blades, poison, and a powerful source of energy were installed in his robotic body. But besides that, he was now obedient to her every will and command. He hated that. Hated her and her little experiments that made him hurt and scream.

Every time he screamed a look of pity washes over her face, telling him how sorry she was and how the pain would end soon. He hated that face filled with worry as if she really cared enough about him.


He could finally move again freely. His physical and systematical abilities proved to be satisfactory to her standards. He was let out.

The first place she took him to besides that damned workshop was... Well, she said it was called a garden. It has intricate sculptures and pavilions made by the brightest of architects. The irrigation in the form of ponds and canals is so clear and clean you can drink from them. It even has all sorts of exotic plants and animals from different worlds and dimensions. It was ripe with wealth and life.

He thought that the first place she would bring him to was a killing field much less a training ground. Why a place so peaceful and serene?

"This is a place where I go to when I feel... Messy. When things get complicated and difficult." she began with that beautiful voice of hers. He didn't say anything and merely watched as she admired the exquisite sights sprawled before them. A peacock trotted to her showing its colorful plumage. It was elegant and dazzling like a mythical creature.

"Stop trying to show off to the newbie, Henry." she said to the bird who then turned on its tail and trotted off to preen its lovely feathers.

His master turned to him. "How do you feel now?"

He didn't want to answer her. Didn't want to talk to her. Didn't want to see that shimmer in her eyes as if she really cared about him. He is just a weapon for her. A valuable asset. Her father ordered her to make him a monster capable of destroying an army of androids and cyborgs and anything else that he saw as a threat to their glorious empire. He knew as much from the pieces of conversation he could pick up from his pod. She is a princess who is one day meant to lead this nation. An heir. And he is to be her knight, her protector, and her executioner.

"How do you feel?" she repeated, not minding being ignored the first time. "Do you feel hurt? Are you in any kind of pain? Is there something you'd like to be modified?"

Hurt. All those times building him, repairing him, weaponizing him... All those times he was hurt. But now he isn't. He is seeing everything clearer, feeling stronger, and better; he feels unconquerable. And she was the one who made him feel like that so to answer her question:

"I feel magnificent." He had a serpent's grin which made her pause looking shocked but she mustered a smile and replied to him.

"That makes me happy."


He soon earned his first mission. All of them are more dangerous than the last. Each time he was sent to kill, sent to destroy. He fulfilled his assignments with lethal efficiency and finesse that only a true warrior who had years of skills on the battlefield could possess.

Each time he came home soaked in the sustaining fluids of his non-human opponents. Each time she would crunch her brows in worry and survey him from head to toe. She would run test after test to see if any parts of him got damaged. When his results tell her that he was perfectly fine, with only a few dents and scratches on his armor, she would sigh in relief and smile at him. But when his results tell her that there's something wrong with him she would immediately repair the damages and fix his glitches. Even if she has to sacrifice her rest and well- being just to fix him.

"Good work, Dyrroth. You did so well. You can now take your rest."

"Thank you, mistress." he replied nonchalantly.

He took his place in his crypt, a place where he could recharge and reboot his system. He silently watched his mistress reading through the report he sent on the cloud system she made just for the two of them. She pulled up the video of his latest mission and watched every terrible thing that he did.

Split that cyborg in half. Behead that android. Spill the guts of some human. Torture a creature into spilling the secrets her father wanted to know. She watched all of it unfazed, unreacting but he's known her long enough to read the tells.

He could see the frown she so carefully tried to hide. He could practically smell the horror and the disgust radiating off of her skin. She hated every moment of what she was seeing; hated him doing those vile things. She had a soft heart filled with kindness. Just a lonely girl alone in her tower of paragon science.

He closed his eyes and imagined what could possibly make her happy. Her smile was lovely but no matter what he did, he couldn't seem to make her feel happy.

Venomous Byte: Aspirant Ruby X V.E.N.O.M. Dyrroth Where stories live. Discover now