Report no. 003

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His master was summoned to a meeting with the decision makers and she was to bring him along. Her peers and family members are also present all with their own creations. Some are massive with intimidating machine guns intended for immense damage, some slender and light fit for speed and swift assassinations. None of them fazed him. He was perfect, his master told him.

He scanned her surroundings and noted every exit point, every weapon that could harm his master. He made a countermeasure for every one of them mapping out plans to overpower all threats present in this room.

All of them are paying close attention to his master. She was the heir, the genius who created the android C.O.B.R.A. who annihilated an entire space shuttle with minimal assistance, he crushed a rebellion within a week in one of their colony planets, and solidified her claim to power. It was obvious she was a paragon among all of them.

"I see that you're flaunting your latest toy. There doesn't seem to be anything noteworthy about this one. Maybe all of his success came from his majesty's aid." Miya said being followed by her android, Alucard. The android glared at Dyrroth with that smug yet empty expression on his face. Dyrroth did the same with equal confidence not wavering a single bit.

"Didn't your android let 5 of his majesty's Imperial warships burn into flames just to save you from a warlord that you didn't even manage to kill?" Ruby retorted. "I read the reports, your performance is questionable. Perhaps you should consider an early retirement. All for the benefit of the empire of course, cousin." She spat the word with venom, the mere word tasted vile in he mouth.

"Because my Alucard is not a monster like your ugly midget Cobra."

"Why are you lashing out on us without provocation? Are you perhaps drying up? Is your body finally going through menopause?" Ruby retorted earning a snigger from her android.

"Why you..." Miya's veins were practically popping from her face, Ruby could barely contain her amusement. "Just so you wait, I'll show you and your little pet who you're messing with. You need to be taken down a peg, little star bitch." The fleet captain left fuming while the heiress and her android grinned at each other.

"Mistress, why is that lowly space rock parasite so furious with you? What have you done to enrage her so much?" questioned Dyrroth.

"I may have had a hand in having her demoted. She was poised to become a fleet general but I didn't think she was fit for the job. She has constant affairs with several men and she makes all sorts of dubious decisions. General Hanabi was more skilled than her and she proved it by securing several star colonies these past few stellar cycles. I definitely invested in the right horse, wouldn't you say?" Dyrroth liked the proud smile on his master's face. The way she handled the situation was exemplary. She never let that hag of a captain belittle her and her Android. Her witty retorts were so amusing to witness.

"Indeed, master. Your judgment is sound and superb as expected of my maker."

"Now, look alive. I see Uncle Roger approaching us." Just as she said a man with a silver mask appeared before them. Ruby had put on a facade of calm composure and indifference, greeting her uncle courtly and introducing him to the android. Roger greeted back with a curt nod, standing beside her like a mighty beast.

"How have you been faring so far, niece?" he began without even looking at her. His gaze is focused on their surroundings assessing and weighing every element that could pose a threat to them. Roger works as a special operative for her father. While Dyrroth and the rest of the androids take the spotlight of destruction, Roger deals with making sure that everything went smoothly. Information, weapons, people, and location; it was his job to secure and know everything, to be the hidden hand of her father. With his strength, wit, and experience he can even take down rogue S-tier cyborgs and androids.

Venomous Byte: Aspirant Ruby X V.E.N.O.M. Dyrroth Where stories live. Discover now