Report No. 005

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A week has passed since her first intimate experience with her android and things couldn't be better. Ruby found herself glowing with energy and vigor after learning about the pleasures of her body. Almost every night she would order Dyrroth to administer his program on her, and every night he would obey her command with no complaints.

Her workload remained the same and her training had become more rigorous but Dyrroth was there to assist her in every step of the way. Things would be more convenient if she had her new android model called Angela but there wasn't enough time to work on her. Plus, each time she devotes any effort to begin her work with Angela something comes along and interrupts her. Namely, things that involve her android.

She knew that Dyrroth didn't want anyone to replace him as her primary companion. His jealousy is obvious enough when he bristles whenever she talks about Angela. This is why she decided to postpone creating the healer android.

"I wonder which planet Father wants to go after next," she mumbled, gazing forlornly at the hologram of their star maps.

"Based on my sources, the most likely candidate for our next colony would be Agertu. It is a planet of reptilian creatures that specialize in shapeshifting and mimicry. Their skills as spies are exemplary as well. Conquering them would be a challenge but a challenge I would enjoy. So worry not, my master. No matter who we fight I will bring you victory." Dyrroth declared with much confidence.

"You know that I hate war and conquest. I think it is petty and dull. There are better things we should be doing and yet we focus all our energy on being galactic assholes. I grow sick of it, Dyrroth. How can you endure fighting senselessly?"

"I have no opinion. I only do what I am told." Ruby gave him a sad look that made him pause and assess his words.

"Sometimes I just want to leave all of this behind." Ruby mused without a thought.

"And you would take me with you?"

"Of course, how am I supposed to escape without my partner in crime?"

"..." He was speechless. Because how can he tell his master who wants to have her freedom, that he quite like their life as it is now? How can he tell his master that the thing she loathes the most is his favorite activity?

He cannot afford to receive her hate.


Ruby was once again summoned to her father's office and she brought Dyrroth along. He walked three paces behind and watched her back closely, monitoring every corridor and entrance for any signs of threats. She could teleport to her father's palace wing but she decided to walk. He didn't say that it was urgent so she thought she had much time to use. She also likes to monitor everything in her department.

She was the head leader of the Institute of Technological Advancement even at the young age of 16 and she specialized in artificial intelligence and humanoid machine development. Some said that she only got the job because she's the heiress even if her skills are so much better than her seniors. She guessed it was their pride that made them refuse to acknowledge her abilities. Despite that, many still hold her in high regard. After all, she made Dyrroth, the most successful killing machine the empire has ever seen.

"Hello, heiress. It is a pleasure to see you." Hanabi greeted. She was followed by her second, a subordinate called Hanzo.

"Greetings, General Hanabi. What brings you to the Institute? Another weapon development perhaps?"

"My chakram was damaged when we were attacked by Kastiyans from Zhask's fleet. Some of their massive soldiers were able to board my ship and damage the control panels. It was a fierce battle yet thankfully I was able to maneuver our fleet away before it got to a serious confrontation."

Venomous Byte: Aspirant Ruby X V.E.N.O.M. Dyrroth Where stories live. Discover now