Report No. 004

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Dyrroth silently observed as his master stared blankly into space. Her fingers hovered over her screens yet they barely moved for the last hour. Tiredness hung heavily on her shoulder, and her usually shiny perfect hair was left greasy and tangled in knots. She's been like this ever since her training to become the heiress began. The long hours and intensive lessons were already taking a toll on her body along with her daily responsibilities. His master might be a genius but she is still human. Her body will deteriorate with no rest, her health will suffer with little nutrition, and she will die if she doesn't take things slow.

He needed to do something to help her out.

"Master, perhaps it would be for the best if you were to take some time off from all of your responsibilities. You are already 65% percent complete in your training lessons, 98% finished with your work, and 99.99% tired. Shall I assist you to your living quarters?"

"Thank you for your concern, Dyrroth but I have to finish that 2% you mentioned. It's just a simple reprogramming of the power grid that sustains the energy supply for the entire capital city. No biggie. If I rest now, problems might arise from my own incompetence. If you would please, can you grab me a cup of coffee."

"Master, I fear that if I give you another cup of coffee your entire DNA would mutate to caffeine. Water would be better suited for your present condition."

"Yeah, sure. Go get me that and then put coffee in it."

"Initiating: Heiress Protection Program. Heiress Rubisviel is in danger. Threat: Herself. Action: Politely subdue."

"Wait, what? Who made that program?!" Ruby squealed when Dyrroth suddenly hoisted her over his shoulder. He delivered her to her bed and tucked her in with invisible bands of forcefield holding her in place. They were loose enough to move but tight enough to restrict her movement.

"I did. Since you did not create a protocol for your well-being I saw it fit to make one myself. Now that healer robot you were making is completely useless and her program should be terminated."

"Are you talking about Angela?"

"Whatever you name that trashbot is none of my concern. I only care about your well-being. Let me show you a presentation about health and well-being to teach you about the importance of self-care."

Dyrroth began projecting an animated presentation with one of his snakes whose mouth was gushing with light. On his hologram, there were tiny caricatures of them called chibi. Hers was small and adorable while he was also small and adorable. Ruby would commend him for the effort if she wasn't incredibly pissed with his behavior. 

"Health is an important part of human life. It dictates what you can and cannot do. Unlike humans, androids can perform continuous work for longer periods without rest. However, our energy supply would eventually become empty leaving us out of commission. We won't be able to fight and we won't be able to obey our master's commands. Humans are similar to this. An extended period of work would tire you out and in worse cases could cause burnout. Your health bars would be depleted and you would be sick. Human sickness could cause death. And death is terrible. Imagine all of the things you would miss out: wealth, food, software development, machine designing, artificial intelligence, innovation, invention," Ruby was nodding at that argument, his logic was sound. "Murder, genocide, strategic warfare, colonization, abusing your power for your own amusement."

"Okay, okay I get it. Geez, what is wrong with your program? Should I give you a check-up tomorrow?"

"Yes, if that would keep you from working yourself to death." 

"I guess, I could take an early rest today. Since you're already at it maybe you could also design a destressing activity I could partake in from time to time. Nothing too time-consuming though and nothing too boring. Maybe something exciting. Like the high I get whenever I fly using the spacecraft."

Venomous Byte: Aspirant Ruby X V.E.N.O.M. Dyrroth Where stories live. Discover now