Report no. 002

101 6 5

It's been months since Dyrroth first gained consciousness in this world and slowly he began to develop something akin to "care" for his master. He learned to tease, he learned to laugh, and he learned to be sarcastic and sassy with her. He learned to smile! Smile! Not a wicked grin! Not a sadistic smile but a true genuine joyful smile.

She was sunlight incarnate. A quasar of brilliant skills and magnificent abilities. Graceful, elegant, and intelligent she was the perfect master to serve and he liked her very dearly.

"Mistress, we should go to the garden. I'd love to walk there with you." He requested while poking her cheek.

His master had a serious expression on her face, she was too focused on her work that she basically ignored him. She continued tapping away on her holograms as if he wasn't even there; the nerve on this girl! He frowned at that. If there's anything he hated more than getting damaged, because that makes her feel upset, it would be getting ignored by his master especially when he wants to play with her so badly. His tail swayed slowly, anxiously.

He paused for a bit assessing the possible options he could take and weighing in what reaction it would elicit from her.

Objective: <Get_master's_attention>
Action 1: <Smash_the_hologram_so_that_it removes_all_distractions>
Possible outcome:
Result: <Dyrroth_will_get_master's_attention>
Consequences: <Death> ☠
Decision: <Reject>

Action 2: Turn_off_the_main_source_of_power_to_remove_all_possible_distractions
Possible outcomes:
Result: <Dyrroth_will_get_master's_attention>
Consequences: <Death> ☠
Decision: <Reject>

Action 3: <Transform_into_a_dinosaur>
Possible outcomes:
Decision: <Select_action>
System Warning: Current systems and integrated systems do not have the ability to turn into a "dinosaur"! Please update the system to match the command!
Decision: <Reject>

Why was this even among the viable options?

Action 4: <Die_in_front_of_her>
Possible outcome:
Consequence: <Death>
Decision: <Reject>

What is wrong with his social interaction programming? This type of decision is incredibly unhinged.

Action 6: <Kiss_her_lips_to_gain_her_full_attention>
Possible outcome:
Decision: <Select>
System Warning:
The decision violates the command to comply with ethical laws of conduct in the workplace!
Maker Decree 06182003: Acts of intimacy are prohibited without prior consent... Penalties for violations include fines ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 diamonds and imprisonment of 6 months to 6 years.
System: <Proceed_with_decision?>
Decision: <Reject>

Okay, his options for social interactions are basically trash. He should ask her for an upgrade.

*Light bulb* 💡

"Master, I require an upgrade regarding social interactions and communication skills." He demanded which made her pause and look at him.

"Why? You have sufficient communication skills. As for social interaction, I don't see a need for enhancing it. But if you really want to, I can do it for you. But probably not right now. Maybe later." she turned to her screens once again, tapping away with her genius.

"Then, let's go to the garden."

"If you want to visit the garden, you can go. I'll give you clearance to access it."

"But I want to go with you."

"I'm busy." came her curt reply. Dyrroth was beginning to get irritated. What the hell is she doing?

He peered at her screen and saw a diagram of an android. A new one that isn't him or anything related to him. It had pink hair and white armor. This one looked cheery and small, just like the doll that she cherished so much. Based on the codes she was inputting, the Android seems to be a healer. This one is called A.N.G.E.L.A.

Something dark began to settle in his core.

Why is she making a new Android? Is he not enough? Did he not perform his intended purpose with efficiency and ease? Why is she replacing him with such pathetic-looking trash?

He can feel wrath settling in his circuits. It was a virus that poisoned his mind. He can destroy any malware that comes across his software but this one doesn't go away so easily. This virus is not a program but a sickness. A human ailment, not a machine's. He wanted to tear apart that thing. Burn her to the ground and spit poison on her programming. Hideous, useless A.N.G.E.L.A.

He hated that thing with all of his bytes.


For the next few days, Dyrroth spent the majority of his free time delaying his master on creating Angela. Whenever she started typing codes, inputting design details, and gathering materials for creating Angela, Dyrroth would sabotage her work. Nothing that would endanger her of course, just unforeseen inconveniences.

"Hello, I would like to order an android power source called gleaming fuchsia. Do you have it in stock?" she said while on a call.

"Great. I'll order ten. Please deliver it to the Institute of Technological Advancement Tower 3, Android development headquarters for Rubisviel Oro. Thank you."

"I'll expect it in three days? Okay, thanks."

The call ended.

His master turned to him. "Okay, Dyrroth you have a new mission on planet Glacia. It's a harsh and cold environment so I'll make sure to prepare your system for below-zero temperatures. We need to be able to exceed your current tolerance level and also prepare for how you'll identify your enemies."

"Yes, mistress."

"Great, let's start with some armor adjustments and then we can head to the simulation chamber."

"Yes, mistress." Ruby left him to do what she just said. Meanwhile, Dyrroth dialed the shop her master just called. They answer almost immediately.

"Hello, princess. Is there anything more we could do for you?"

Dyrroth activated his master's voice and answered. "Yes, there's a slight problem. I won't be needing that power source anymore but could you please change my order to 1000 rubber ducks."

"Rubber ducks? We don't manufacture those here, princess. It might be hard for us to make your order."

"It's fine, just move my order to another company if you can't."

"Oh, no! Wait, we can manufacture one and use the cloning machine to replicate it. Would that suit your favor, miss?"

"That would be acceptable. Thank you."

The call ended.

3 days later...

"What in the stars are going on in here?!" Ruby exclaimed, staring at the mountain of rubber ducks piled in her room. Dyrroth was merely smiling behind her, amused by her obvious distress. Sorting this out would take her quite a while so she won't have time to make Angela.

Venomous Byte: Aspirant Ruby X V.E.N.O.M. Dyrroth Where stories live. Discover now