Chapter 12

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Its the next day and I have a meeting with SM, I wonder what it would be about. I let out a sigh only thinking bad because if what I found out yesterday..

( flashback )

"Your brother is diagnosed with stage two lung cancer..."

( end of flashback )

Ugh! Please wake me up from this nightmare... I can't bare to know my brother is like this.

I get ready for my meeting and get ready to go, Xiumin was downstairs and offered to take me but I denied and went off by myself. I could see Xiumin was very worried about me because I tend to over think everything.

I gave him a kiss and then left to my meeting, when I arrived Kai, Sehun, Lay, Suho, and Chen were there, I guess they are practicing. I went to the front desk to prepare for the meeting as the lady escorts me to the founders office.

"Hello, Miss Jemun" he said with a smile

"Hello sir." I say while trying to create one

"Okay. About the meeting, we have new debuters that were just like you and we would like you too show them around, have them get the gist you know? Also your performance is canceled due to the disease going around. Don't want everyone to get sick now do we?"

"Yes you're right sir, it would be a tragedy but yes I would, when are they going to be here?"

"They aren't coming for a while, maybe a month? So if anything happeneds please tell me then I'll switch it to someone else. "

"Yes sir, is that all?"

"Yes, that will be all~ please stay safe" he said as he put on a small smile

I'm walking out the office and making my way to the main lobby and just as I was about to walk out the door the boys we're coming out as well, they saw me and came up to me.

"Hey! Jemun" Suho said and they all come up to me give me hugs one by one.

"Long time no see" Lay said

"How's everything with Xiumin?" Chen said

"Its good~ we haven't had many disagreements and if we do they don't last long at all so it's pretty fun... I missed you guys, you should come over more but I know you are busy"

"We missed you too!" They all said

"Are you okay Jemun? You seem down today.." Sehun said along with Kai agreeing

"I just found out some bad news from my mom about my brother... I'm just really worried and I don't know what to do" I said trying not to cry.

"I hope the bad news of your brother turns into good news.. " They said wishing me good luck with him

"Yeah thanks, he's gonna need it.. but if you excuse me, I have to get home. It was nice seeing you guys again, I missed you all a lot"

"Nice seeing you again too Noona" Chen said

"Yeah nice seeing you, we missed you too But bye bye. We will try to visit when we aren't busy!" They said giving me one last hug.

I head out and go home, I was crying all the way home in the car. I even sat outside the house to make sure Xiumin won't know I've been crying.

I come in the door, locking it as I come in and I see Xiumin when I turn around, I get startled and look at the ground

"Hey how did the meeting go?"

"It was good.. I saw Kai and all them today" I said trying to avoid him

"Oh you did? That's nice, you must've missed them" he said while he was coming closer

"Yeah, I missed them like crazy" I said while still looking down

"Is that why you were crying?" He said as he stood infront of me. " You know you can't hide anything from me Jagi.." he said putting his arms around my waist

"I thought it would've worked.." I said with a small laugh and then he kissed me. He gave me multiple kisses which made me cheer up a bit because of his cuteness

"Yah, Stop it haha" I say while trying to pull him off

"Nope" he said smiling "I'll kiss you until I die!" He continues to try and kiss me.

"Yahahaha" I couldn't contain my laughter

"Jagi.. I've missed you!" He says as he cuddles with me

"I was only gone about an hour and a half. Babo" I said as I make my way upstairs.

"So?! Don't you know I can't love without you?" He said with a smile

"I'm going to take a shower! So don't wait up on me, just get dinner going. DONT burn anything down please."

"Okay! I'll try my best not too haha" his tone, was unsure but oh well, if he fails he fails

As I get out the shower and putting on clothes xiumin busts in the door

"XIUMIN!" I said loudly

"Yah, It's not like I haven't seen your body before. I mean it's quite sexy if you ask me" he said with a smirk

I was embarrassed and I turned my back on him. He came up behind me and hugged me

"Yah, don't be like that unless you want things to happen to you Jagi."

"Shut up and let me get dressed! LOL" I said pushing him out the door

"Psh, I can't even see my future wife naked. Sad life" he said while I shut the door

I get dressed and head downstairs. It was actually nice set up. He cooked nicely but I wasn't sure how it tasted. I sat down and was about to try it

"Mmm it's good!" I said wide eyes.

"Man.. you underestimate me so much, I'm butt hurt" he said stuffing his face with a sad look

"Don't be like that, you baby" I said as I continued to eat.

"Psh what ever.." he said stuffing his face again

"For the cleanest person in EXO you sure are messy" I say getting up clearing the table and washing the dishes. He helped me and then we went up stairs to go to bed

We get in the bed and not a second went by he clinged to me and got on top of me

"Yah, can I have you now?"

"Babo! You are so desperate.." I said trying to get him off me

"You know you want it though" he said coming to my neck to kiss and suck on it

Him giving me hickeys is the best thing.. if he wanted something he knew how to get it.

Stuff happened.. but I'll leave that to your imagination~~


HAHA . sorry, I didn't wanna finish that, I would've died lul but thanks for reading this chapter! I hoped you enjoyed! Leave a vote and a comment if you did, share this book with friends!! always giving love, OuOppa

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