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November 15th

        Well I've been living with the Avengers for about a week now. Not everything was soooo bad....I mean it was nice having people around I guess, and rides to school everyday. God I hope I can get this mission over with, American school is so weird....

I prepared myself for my next mission.

Killing the mayor's son.

I'm not sure why but I don't ask questions, you ask questions there will be consequences.

I was all dressed up as I was set up on a date with him,
The plan was to get his guard down by going on a nice little date, ask to go for a walk.....

Then kill.

This is actually the easiest side mission I've had so far.

I had my dagger hidden in the side of my thigh, so I wouldn't draw any suspicion. It's not like they're going to tell me 'take off your dress.'

I grabbed my small handheld purse before walking out of my bedroom, carefully shutting the door behind.

"Where are you going all dressed up?" Natasha said as she was standing behind me.

I practically jumped out of my skin....definitely embarrassing considering I was a trained spy.

"Just on a date." I shrugged before continuing to walk down the halls.

"You're a little young to be wearing such a revealing outfit..." She crossed her arms seeing the amount of cleavage in my dress as it was a low cut.

I sighed before turning around to face the redhead. "Seriously? There's nothing wrong with my outfit." I shrugged.

I am a fucking adult.

I'm 27 to be precise.

I mean they don't know that of course because I'm supposed to be posing as a teenager.

And Truth be told, I've never actually been on a date before. Not even for missions, mainly it's just hide and kill. Not disguise myself, go on a date then's just a longer process.

"I never said you couldn't. I just wanted to let you know maybe wear something that covers up a bit more." She said in soft tone.

"I'm fine, Natasha. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be late for my date." I continued walking off without a second thought.


I stepped outside of the vehicle and made my way to the restaurant.

"Huh...fancy." I walked up to the doorway.

I saw the target waiting for me in a spiffy suit and tie at a dinner table in the left corner of the back of the restaurant.

I put on a smile and made my way over to him. "Hi, you must be Matthew. I'm Sarah."

Ah just wait till the day I can finally introduce myself as Y/N.....

He stood up and pulled out my chair for me. "Pleasure to meet you Sarah." He smiled.

I sat down in the chair as he pushed it.

Now...let's talk fake business.

"I apologize for my father not being here. He's gotten so busy with work lately." I desperately sighed pouting a bit.

I swear I'm such a good actor.

Of course I'm a good actor I'm a spy for crying out loud.

"Not a problem at all. I'm glad you were able to be here on behalf of him." He said before glancing down at the menu. "The Lobster here is fantastic, unless you're not a seafood kind of girl. There's also....."

My mind was drifting off as I drowned out his voice.

The waitress brought breadsticks and discretely handed me a note on a napkin.

'The bird falls at the midnight hour'

I looked down at my watch and it was around 23:02, that means I had to sit through this for another 58 minutes......lord have mercy.

I looked down at the menu looking at all the cuisine this restaurant had to offer.

I ended up ordering some soup, I mean it was what I was used to, that's pretty much all I ate in STRIX, bland lukewarm soup, with a piece of stale bread....everyday and every night my whole life.

Once the food arrived I brought a spoonful to my mouth. "Holy shit...." I muttered under my breath.

It felt like an explosion of flavor in my mouth!!

I am never eating those freeze dried soup packets I brought from STRIX ever again!!!

I ate all the soup in just a few minutes, along with the nice crisp, and fresh bread that came with it.

After eating, Matthew paid for our meal then we walked outside.

"Are you cold? You must be freezing." Matthew took off his jacket and placed it over top of my shoulders.

Interesting gesture....

I've read about this...when a male sees a woman cold, he offers his coat to keep the female warm....

I don't understand the purpose of this.

"Thank you" I smile at him as we start walking down the streets.

We held hands as we continued walking through the city of New York.

Then, finally...

I find the alleyway where I'm set to assassinate him.

"Hey, do you hear that?" I ask him as we paused.

He just looked at me puzzled, "No....hear what?"

I gently take his hand and lead him over into the alleyway.

"I-it's a kitten, don't you hear it? Poor thing is probably scared and cold..." I sympathize.

Matthew frantically looks around for the kitten, trying to find the poor thing.

Truth it, there was no kitten.

While he's busy doing that I look around behind me seeing if there are any people watching, either way it would be hard to see as it was late at night.

I grab my dagger from the side of my dress.

This. Will be fun.

"Hey I don't think there is a kitten here Sarah..." He says before standing back up.

I loosely hold the blade in my grasp before throwing it in the back of his neck precisely.

Ohhh he is so dead!!!

His body fell to the ground limp as blood spilled out everywhere.

I toss his jacket that was over my shoulders onto his body.

2 figures emerge from the shadows of the night.

"molodets, moya Rozovaya Vdova." (Well done my Rose Widow) A man says.

The other one kneels down and checks Matthews pulse. "prekratilsya." (Ceased.) He announces.

He then puts the body into a black bag and drapes it over his shoulder.

The two men walked away back into the darkness of night.

I then clean up the blood on the ground not leaving a single trace, I also clean off my dagger that was left on the ground.

I loved my's custom made for me, from its sleek metal handle with gorgeous design of vines, to its thin sharp blade, with a rose carved into it.

I am the Rose Widow.

And I love my job...

A/N: Sorry for not updating I was busy all last week and never had time!!!

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