338 16 2

December 6th

Okay. Recap. I've been living at the Avengers facility for over a month now, as well as attending that high school. Life in the outside world isn't so bad I guess, besides. I'm honestly getting used to it, but I still have to keep my eyes on the prize.....once STRIX takes over the world I wonder what it'll be like.

People will enjoy being under STRIX's rule, much better than this government.

For now though, we have to start with America. Then we'll expand for Antarctica, Australia, Africa, Europe....then Asia.

We'll be unstoppable.

I make my way downstairs hearing all the laughter and excitement going on.

"FRIDAY, call Natalia down- oh there you are" Tony says with a smile turning around to greet me.

I just smile. "So, whats all the noise about?" I ask curiously wondering why everyone seemed so excited.

"Well, we're planning on going ice skating in about 30 minutes. I was about to tell FRIDAY to ask you if you wanted to come." Tony says as he pours himself a cup of coffee.

Ice skating? What's that? Skating on ice? How?

"Um....s-sure! I'll join you guys." I turn around on my heel and head upstairs.

"One more thing!!! Whats ice skating!?!?" I yell fron my room.

I can hear everyone bursting out into laughter and chuckles. What''s so funny? Is it amusing I don't know what it is? Unless I should know what it is....


We ride in a few separate cars to the outdoor ice skating rink.

Everyone is bundled up in coats/jackets, and gloves, and hats, and those fluffy things that go over your ears.

I could obviously withstand the cold...but being bundled up like this felt nice, and warm...and comforting...


I shuttered a bit at the thought of going soft. "You good?" Scott asked me.

I quickly turn to him the nod. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

"Hey kid what size shoe do you wear?" Tony asked as he was getting my skates.

I told him my shoe size then he hands me a pair of ice skates. I notice a sharp blade at the bottom of the skates. My head tilts curiously before I reach my fingers to touch the blade.

"DON'T TOUCH THAT!!" Sam warns slapping my curious hand away.

I look at him a bit shocked and confused. "What why?"

"It's a very sharp blade, if you touch it you could cut yourself." Steve said in a very calm caring tone.

This doesn't look very sharp honestly...it looks dull in my opinion...and so what if I cut myself?

Wouldn't be the first time.

I walk over to some metal benches where everyone is putting their skates on and taking their shoes off.

I take my shoes off and slip the skates onto my feet. They feel weird for sure, but at the same time it felt like balancing on knives, something common I do in my ballet practice.

Tony calls me over to put my shoes in a locker. After placing my shoes safely in the locker everyone gets out on the ice.

"Looks easy enough" I shrug then confidently smirk.

Ohhh how wrong I was...

I stepped onto the slippery ice and squeal as I loose my balance, falling onto my butt. Sam and Bucky burst out into laughter watching my fall.

Why the hell are they laughing.

It's not funny.

I let out a huff before getting up again with the help of the short wall. Here's my issue, why is it so slippery!?

"Need help?" Natasha tauntingly asked as she skated with ease right past me.

I scoff. "No." I replied coldly. I let go of the wall and start slipping again and fall, but before I can fall a pair of stable hands meet mine, I look up and my gaze landed on Natasha.

"You sure look like you need help." She offers in a more warm and welcoming tone, and less of a taunting one. "Come on, we'll take it slow." She said guiding me.

When I look into her eyes this time it's less of a stand off type look, and more of a look filled with compassion and understanding.

She skates backwards in front of me while holding onto my hands.

Natasha's POV

I hold onto Natalia's gloved hands, gently guiding her as we're skating. I figured she knew how to skate, or she was pretending to not know but I guess she really can't skate.

Surely their are skating rinks in Germany, but maybe she's never been?

"See you've got it!" I cheer her on with a smile as she slowly gains her balance on the skates.

A genuine smile creeps up on her lips as she looks up at me. "Okay, I can skate on my own now." She tells me confidently.

I'm a bit skeptical about it but I just nod before letting go of her hands.

I watch her confidently take the first step before she lands face first into the ice.

"Ooo...that's gotta hurt...." I wince, then skate over to help her up. I help Natalia up gently then inspect her face. "Are you hurt?" I ask concerned as I take my gloves off and make sure she's not injured anywhere.

She just chuckles a bit. "Yeah, I'm fine. I've handled worse than a little fall on some ice."

I chuckle with her before slipping my gloves back on. "Alright this time don't let go of my hand, okay?" I say holding onto one of her hands, staying on one side of her.

"Okay," she replies as we slowly start skating together.

A/N: Just a little fluffy fluffy between Natasha and Y/N finally...

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