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7 years ago, January 29th

         30 young girls, very young, stood in front of me and other agents in my group. They looked scared. I wonder what they went through in the outside world....but they'll be safe here. They'll be trained as assassins and spies, and nobody in that wretched outside world will lay a single hand on them.

As I glance around at all of the children, my eyes landed on a scared little girl, clutching a tiny stuffed bunny close to her chest. She looked no more than 6 years old.

"agenty. Vy pokazhete krysam ikh zhilishcha. dayte im pravila. i otchityvat'sya zdes' vmeste s rebenkom." Gunther, one of our primary instructors told us to get them settled, show the girls to their rooms and report back.

I make my way over to the girl, and kneel down to her height. "Do you know where you are right now?" I ask with my arm resting on my knee.

The young one simply shook her head.

"You're at a place called STRIX Headquarters. You're safe here, I promise." I say reassuringly. The young girl nods.

I stand back up and reach my hand out for her. Her little soft hand grasps mine, and the other still clutching her bunny as we make our way down the corridors.

They always tell us, be gentle with the new ones, for we will not. They use us older agents as caring mentors for the young ones as they shape them into what they are meant to be.

One of our rules, no bonds.

I will form no bonds with this girl, I must simply just do my job as I am told.

Love is for children.

I'm not a child.


I lead the girl into a room where there are duffel bags lined up on the walls full of the essentials.

"How old are you?" I ask as I look at the ages on the shelves.

"6...." She replies to me in a timid voice.

I look for the rack that says 4-7 years before grabbing a duffel bag for her under the 6.

The bag contains a leotard, ballet shoes, pajamas, training uniform, and an everyday uniform for classes.

I toss the bag to the girl. I watch her struggle to pick it up as it just be heavy for her age. "Pick it up. There's a lot of heavier things you'll be lifting soon." I say sternly as I cross my arms.

The girl's eyes water as she barely manages to pick the large bag up.

I notice her hair getting in her face, I just sigh. "Salon is the next stop then."

I take her hand and lead her down the corridors, up the stairs, and to the hair salon.

I see lots of other girls there either getting their hair cut or being put up in a bun.

For the younger ones, so it's easier to maintain, they cut their hair to ear length. As you get older they allow you to grow it out as you'll learn to maintain it and put it back in tight buns and ponytails. Until then, this is easiest.

I motion for the girl to go sit in one of the chairs. She puts her bag down by my feet and timidly walks over to one of the salon seats.

"vozrast." (Age.) One of the hair stylists, Svetlana says as she stands behind the girl.

"yey shest'." (She's six) I say as I stand a few feet away with my hands behind my back standing tall.

I hear Svetlana simply hum, before she grabs her scissors and starts cutting the girl's hair.

There's nothing much I can do about STRIX's methods, I just have to go along with it. Do I fear for these girls? A little....I just hope this girl makes it through training. I'd hate to see her....you know get shot. I'm not saying this because I formed a bond but you know? 


I bring the girl to her room. Anyone under the age of 8 stays in a group room, with 9 or so other girls. I watch as she sits down on the bed and looked around at her surroundings.

9 beds were lined up against the walls of the room. She has the one closest to the second window. They weren't real windows of course, I inspected them one day and apparently it's just a panel of light. I still wonder where STRIX Headquarters is, considering they sedate us on entry and exit.

By the end of the hour we spend together....I feel....weird...as if my heart softened and ached for the young girl.....

I decide to try and be nice. I sit down next to the girl. I have exactly 5 minutes before they want us to report back to the main hall. "So, what's your name?" I ask turning to the girl who sat on the bed with her head down.

"K-Krystal...." she manages to say above a whisper. 

"Well Krystal, my name is Y/N. I'm not allowed to be friends with you, but how about we make a pact? How does that sound?" I say trying to brighten the mood. 

She looks up at me with teary eyes. I can clearly see how frightened she is, and I can't blame her honestly. 

"I promise, to be there for you, and you promise to be there for me. Even if we have to hide it." I say. I obey the rules most of the time, but I can't bear to see her so scared like this, I mean I was born here, I was used to this life.

Krystal nods. "P-Promise." 


           I glance down at the bracelet of woven cloth made out of a ripped strip of a white shirt in my hands. I know I betrayed Krystal....I promised...but I turned on her. I wish I would have never met her that day, never been a caring person towards her. I should have locked my heart away. Stupid Y/N....and now I carry this burden with my everyday...it's my fault...she died because of me....I killed my little sister....

A/N: This was a shit chapter 💀💀😭

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