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December 10th

I see everything. It's like my entire life flashing in the back of my mind. I hear ringing in my ear. It's getting louder, and louder, and louder until-

I let out a scream in agony as my head pounds, Wanda reciprocates that same scream in pain.

All the party goers stop as they see Wanda clutching her forehead gripping into the table next to her,  and me on my knees with my hands over my ears and eyes squinted closed.

Steve alarmed, helps wanda stabilize herself. "What happened?" He asked.

And now everyone was suspicious.

Natasha helps me back up as I was shaky. "You okay?" She asks as she supports my weight with her own body.

I shake my head no.

"What did you see?" Maria asks Wanda, concerned for the reactions we both had just had.

Gasping for breath, Wanda replies, "it looked like some type of facility, for something. Ballet....guns...knives....girls hurt."

Natasha was in disbelief, to her it sounded like the red room the way STRIX was being described.

"What the hell were you doing in my head!?" I raise my voice standing up on my own, walking towards the 3.

"Your head?" Natasha asks.

Steve steps between us. "Who are you really?"

"You don't need to know that."

"No I think we do." Tony says coming behind me, his armored hand held towards me charged up ready to shoot any moment.

I glare at Tony then my eyes dart towards Natasha.

Clint Barton practically comes in out of nowhere with his arrow pointed towards me ready to let go of the string at any moment. "Don't do anything stupid you're surrounded by Avengers."

"Natalia?" Natasha asks hopeful that all of this wasn't true. "Who are you?"

I gulp. STRIX is always listening. I can't tell them the truth. As much as I somewhat enjoyed being a spy doing what I did, I couldn't help but think I should maybe quit? What's the endgame of this?

STRIX said they'll take over the world one day. Maybe that's a bad thing...

I motion over to a notepad on the table. Everyone was confused but they handed that to me along with a pen.

I began to write down.

'STRIX is always listening. I can't talk about this out loud.'

Steve speaks up, catching on. "And who are they?"

'Russian organization. Run by Dreykov's brother. Imagine the Red Room 10 times worse.'

Natasha freezes. "His brother?" She asks stepping towards me.

I just nod.

"How are they listening?" Maria asks.

I quickly write down:

'They implanted many things in all of their spies. There's a chance they could have implanted something in me so they can always hear.'

Natasha takes a deep breath. "One moment." She says.

Then I watch as they all go to another room.

Natasha's POV

I feel lightheaded. Like the room is spinning.

How was there a spy under our noses the whole time? I should have noticed.

Why didn't I notice...

How didn't I notice...

She's just like me.

"Nat?" Steve says placing a hand on my shoulder.

I shove his hand away. "Don't touch me." I reply harshly.

Everyone else started talking, all I heard were voices and whispers as I was lost in thought.

"We have to help her." Clint said to everyone.

I shake my head. "But what if she doesn't want to be helped? Or cant be helped? The only one who knows who we're dealing with right now is me and Y/N that's it. None of you know what it's like to be manipulated your entire life. None of you know how terrifying it is knowing if you said one wrong thing you were killed. Nobody knows who I am!!!" I scream the last sentence loosing my cool entirely.

"Natasha." Tony says his voice stern.

I stay quiet for a moment before walking out.

"Nat?" Wanda asks her voice soft.

"Don't. Just don't." I say putting my hand up walking out of the room, past the party floor and to the elevator.

I just can't deal with life right now....

I used to have these thoughts...thoughts of not wanting to live anyone, suicide, and putting myself out of my misery.

I have to remind myself what I'm fighting for, what I wake up every morning for...


But's just....

It's too much.

This girl is me and I'm her but...

"You have no purpose."

"The graduation ceremony is necessary."

"The red room is your home now."

The loud echoing thoughts of my past were broken with with a loud scream.

Everyone burst back into the room where Natalia was and saw her screaming in agonizing pain with her hands over her head.

All of a sudden 3 men burst through the glass and dart straight for the screaming girl. Everyone reacted fast, springing into action to protect her.

"GET OFF OF ME!!" She shrieked throwing a glass bottle towards the men in masks and black military suits.

My body reacted quicker than my mind.

I sprint towards Natalia

Eventually they left, after wreaking the whole place from top to bottom trying to take Natalia back. I'm not letting them, not like this. Not knowing where she came from and how badly she was probably treated. I still don't think we should fully trust her....but after seeing what just happened I think we have every right to try and protect her, and find more information about this unknown organization.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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