Book 0: Null

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"No, it has to be... More splooshy, Y/N!"
"Are you sure? Cuz' it kinda looks like trying to strangle yourself."

Your sister, Katara was trying to help you with your bending. "Seriously? Why won't this work...!?" Katara sighed.

"You guys are still trying to use your weird magic stuff? Dinner's gonna be ready in thirty minutes, and if you're not home by the time it's done, don't be surprised if there aren't any sea prunes left!" Sokka said, hopping into your secret hideout.

"Hey! Someone could've seen you! What if they found us bending!?" Katara yelled, accidentally dropping a ball of water on Sokka's head.

"Maybe you shouldn't use your magic in the first place! Neither of you are good at it, anyway. If I had weird magical powers-", "You'd probably be to stupid to use them." You retorted, with a proud smirk on your face.

"Hehe, yeah! And it's not magic, it's called water bending!" Katara smiled. "Well whatever Y/N has is definitely not water. I wonder what magic her parents had..." Sokka hummed, putting a thumb to his chin.

"I'm not entirely sure either. But I know... I know I want to master it! It's a part of me... And could be a part of my actual parents, too..." You muttered, trying to move the strange, dark, substance.

"...Well, if it really means that much to you... I MIGHT not eat all your sea prunes. I'll stay here and, uh, make sure you guys don't do anything stupid." Sokka mumbled. "If anything, you're the one who'd do something stupid." You grinned. "That's not even possible! I'm more of a strategist than you, therefore-"

Another large ball of water made contact with Sokka's face. However, it was definitely intentional.

"Shhh! I'm TRYING to teach Y/N!" Katara whisper-shouted. "So when I try to be a nice big brother, all I get is a splash of water to the face? How sweet." Sokka grunted, sitting down criss-crossed in a pile of snow. "Thanks, bro." You chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Hey! Don't mess up the hair!" He exclaimed, smacking your hand away.


"Y/N, Sokka, Katara! Food's ready!"

You all sat around a small fire, eating the food your mother cooked. "Mom! Guess what!" Katara beamed. "What happened, dear?" Kya hummed. "I've gotten better at my bending! I can make a whole sphere of water now!" You happened to notice Sokka stealing from Katara's food while she wasn't looking.

"Sokka!" You whisper-yelled.
"Huh? H-Hey! Were you taking my food!?"
"What!? No way!"
While the two were arguing, your mom was trying to resolve the conflict.

You managed to steal a bit from Katara's food as well, but you got caught by your dad, Hakoda.

"Hakoda! Won't you help me?" Kya crossed her arms, pouting. "Right, right. Sokka, stealing from your sister's food is an awful thing to do. Give Katara some of your sea prunes."
"Aw man..."

...Your dad gave you a wink with a grin on his face.

"Anyway... What about your bending, Y/N? Is everything going smoothly?"
You let out a soft sigh.

"I still don't get it... I don't even know what I'm bending! It's just some weird, cold, stupid black sludge that I can't even control. Like, am I even supposed to be a bender in the first place?" You groaned.

"Hey, don't say that... I'm sure you're meant to be a bender, dear. All you have to do is practice and learn." Kya smiled and squeezed your hands.

"And don't call your bending weird. Just because it's different doesn't mean it's weird. All of us are different in our own ways." Hakoda stated.

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