Chapter 3.

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I woke up and sleepily walked to my bathroom. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, blow dryed my hair and straightened through it as always. I wrapped a towel around me and walked over to my closet. I slipped into a pair of miss me jeans, a cute top, and my favorite black sandals. My dad and I are going on a road trip to Mississippi to get out of this God for saken town for a few days. We packed, ate breakfast and set out for our 8 hour drive.

"I'm glad we got to get out, just me and you for a change."

"I am too dad, we haven't been on a small vacation in a while. We needed to get away from home."

"I couldn't agree more."

I turned the radio on but to no surprise there was nothing but commercials playing considering it was still morning. I put in my headphones and listened to Stitches by Shawn Mendes. I loved his music, he had an amazing voice as well as an amazing face. The first few hours on the road I slept considering we left at 5 am, I was tired.
I felt someone shaking me, I opened my eyes and saw my dad.

"Time to wake up sweetie."
I just rubbed my eyes and looked up to see that we were sitting in the parking lot at the Outback.

"I know this is your favorite place to eat, so we're eating here."

"Thanks, dad." In technicality it was mom and I's favorite place to eat. I guess that's why he had such a sad look on his face. I shook off the feeling and walked inside. It took a good 40 minutes to get a seat but that's okay. I wasn't that hungry until we sat down.

"What're you going to order." He asked.

"What I usually order, shrimp on the Barbie."

"I'll get the same."

What I didn't understand is he has never eaten shrimp in front of me. I wasn't sure if he even liked it. I wasn't going to even ask questions. We talked and enjoyed our time eating, reminiscing on old times.

*An hour later*
"Wow, I am so stuffed."

My dad patted his belly. I could tell he was satisfied with the meal which had really shocked me.
"Dad, do you ever miss mom?"

This was the first time she had even been mentioned since her funeral. I understood he didn't like talking about it but I couldn't help but wonder if he missed her like I did.

"I miss her each and every day.
But I do know that even though she's not here with us, she isn't gone. A part of her lives inside of you. You remind me so much of her and with that being said, I don't have to worry about you as much. Your mother could always take care of herself. She was very strong and independent. You're following in her footsteps and I couldn't be more proud of you."

He didn't cry, he didn't seem sad, he said it calmly and peacefully.

"She was my world, dad. She was always there for me. I miss her, and I don't know what to do anymore. I can't talk to her anymore, I can't run to her for help, I can't do this without mom." I broke down in tears and felt so embarrassed for crying in front of my dad but I couldn't hold back the tears.

"Sweetheart, you can do this. I know I wasn't there much in your life. I know I put my work ahead of my family but I'm here now. I'm here to help you, Avery. We won't always get along but I'll try my damndest to be the father you need."

"Thank you." Was the only words I could find to say. Not another word was spoken for the next hour.

We pulled over at a Flash Foods to get gas. I walked into the store to use the restroom and get a couple of Vanilla Coke's. I turned around and ran straight into a gorgeous guy. His eyes met mine and I felt my cheeks get red with embarrassment.

"I'm sooo sorry. " I said trying act causal.

"Its fine." He said just looking at me. This was so awkward considering I do have a boyfriend whom I love dearly.
"I'm Jace." He said nicely.

"And I'm Avery."

"I have a feeling we're never going to see each other again. Am I right?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah actually you are right. I literally live 6 hours from here."

He had this disappointed look on his face. He tore a paper towel off the roll by the fountain drinks and wrote down his number.
"You should call me sometime."

He put the price of paper in my hand and then he walked off. I payed for the drinks and got into the truck.
"So, who was the guy?" I heard my dad ask as I sat there in complete trance.

"I honestly have no idea. He was nice though. Very friendly." I chuckled as we drove off.

Finally, we made it to the cabin my dad still owned. It was 2:40 am and I was exhausted. We unpacked quickly. I walked into my room and turned on the light. I sat my blue suitcase in the closet and flopped down onto the bed. I fell into a deep sleep. Through the night I woke up panting and sweating. It was anxiety. I ran to my suitcase to find my medication. After that it was hard to go back to sleep. I just layed there thinking. Thinking of my childhood and how everything seemed so perfect but now as I have grown, I've realized that life sucks. It's a cruel world but there is also beauty to it. Time seemed to pass over so much more quickly. Now I realize that the most valuable thing I have is time. Its the one thing we will never be able to get back. I layed there thinking of Jace, the guy I had met only hours earlier. There was something about him, something that was different. It's wrong of me to to think of him when I have Greyson. It's just a girl thing I told myself. My phone lit up and I saw I had a text from Greyson.

"Avery, I know it's early but I love you. I hope you had a safe trip. I miss you and can't wait to see you. Have a great time with your dad and tell him I said hey."

I didn't text back, I just smiled and layed my phone back on the vanity beside my bedside. That's why I love Greyson. He's respectful, responsible, and cares for me. He doesn't believe nine months is a long time but to a girl it is. The past nine months have been amazing thanks to Greyson. I could never repay him for all he has done for me.

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