Chapter 9.

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Sorry, my mobile data ran out while I was in Florida with no WiFi!!! All in all it's okay because I still wrote while on vacation. Enjoy!! xoxo

××Avery's p.o.v.××

Jace had finally made it home after three long hours of driving. Dad would be back tomorrow evening around 5:30, so I still had some spare time before I had to tell him. I paced around the room while Jace unpacked in the guest bedroom he had been staying in although most nights he'd fall asleep on the couch or next to me. I always had a feeling of comfort around Jace. That's something I didn't really feel around Greyson. Uggh! I really need to stop comparing them. Hands down Jace is a far better person.
'How am I going to tell Jace what I found out?' 'How is he going to react to this?' All these thoughts buzzed through my mind and I started feeling queezy on my stomach and within moments I was running towards the bathroom barfing in the toilet.

"Is everything okay, princess?"
He held back my hair and rubbed my back. I knew this was probably the best time to tell him considering I am barfing in front of him with baby sickness. I couldn't lie to him and just say it 'it was a bad burrito'. We've grown close and I don't want to ruin whatever we do have or whatever we might become by lying to him.

"Jace. I-I have to tell you something and p-please don't look at me differently and promise me you won't run away." I say unsure of myself also stuttering in downright fear.

"I promise Avery. Whatever it is you can trust me enough to tell me. I'm always going to be right here for you."

I stood up and rinsed through my mouth with water and made my way back to the bedroom. I layed across the bed with Jace right beside me just wishing I didn't have to say what I am about to tell him.

"Jace, lately i've been having weird cravings and throwing up alot. I also haven't had a period
in two months. But I thought it was normal considering i've never had a normal period. Anyways I took a pregnancy test and well yeah. Suprise! I'm pregnant."
He didn't say anything for a while. The silence scared me. My heart pounded so fast I knew he could hear it. I was seriously planning on running out the door at any given moment.

"Please say something. You're scaring me here!" I pleaded out.

"Babe. Like I said i'm still going to be here for you. Whatever you decide I will support-"

I cut him off because I knew exactly where that sentence was going.

"Yes! I am keeping this baby. It may have been the creation of a complete jackass but this child is innocent. This child is not a monster. He or she will not have anything to do with their father and will be raised with love and compassion. Two of the things that Greyson lacks."

"Okay. Even though I wish it would be mine instead of you know who's, I will stick beside you. This will be our baby and I won't have it any other way. I'll be his or hers father and I promise to never leave you or that precious baby growing inside of you."

The words sounded so sincere but this was too much even from him. I don't want him to feel like this is his responsibility because it's not. This child is my own responsibility and I understand that. 'My mother thought me that not all humans are the same.' Not all humans like and dislike the same things. Not all humans are good and not all are bad.'
I always kept hold of those words. Jace isn't Greyson, He doesn't hurt me. He doesn't force me. He is easy, gentle, loving, and caring. My child will not be like it's father either. It will be raised to love people and to be kind.

"Jace. That's too much. This child isn't your responsibility-"

"I'm inlove with you and what I have felt lately is something I have never felt before. I want to hold onto this feeling. I want to keep you and if that means to raise a child then i'm okay with that. This will be our child and I already love it."
He cut me off and cuffed his hands around my face kissing me slowly. I felt the warm tears stream down my face. I was happy he'd be here and help me. Now is the part where I tell my father. Oh dear God help me.

××Jace's p.o.v.××

Talking to Avery's dad went better than expected. He understood the situation although he was highly pissed off at first.

When Avery told me she was pregnant I almost freaked. I kept my calm though and it took me a while to process what she had told me but I understood that this is her decision. Even if it's not my child i'm still going to love it just as my own. Avery is mine and i'm not going to lose her, not again. I accept everything about her perfect and imperfect. I was lost in thought and didn't even notice my phone ringing.

"Hello?" It was a number I wasn't familiar with.

"Hi, Mr. Johnson. This is Mary. I'm Mr. Turner 's secretary. I'm calling about the court date. Sorry for the holdback we've certainly had our work cut out for us. Anyways the date it set for August third of next month."

Mr. Turner was the lawyer for Avery on her case. It's about damn time a date was set it's been two months and haven't heard anything. I just hoped they give that bastard what he deserves.

"Okay, thank you. I'll be sure to notify Avery."

I remember the day the detective come over after Avery was released from the hospital a little while back. He had asked several of the same questions and I knew it had Avery on edge. But the man was only doing his job and trying to make sure everything fit together.

I walk into the kitchen to find Avery on her phone playing, of course, candy crush. I chuckled seeing her furiously playinhg the game and kissed her cheek.

"Avery, I have something important to tell you?" I say knowing this is one thing she sire as hell would want to know.
She turned off her phone and looked at me in frustration.

"I was in the middle of a very important game." She said smirking.

"I know, I know, but this is highly important." I cuff both her cheeks and look at her beautiful hazel eyes.

"And that is?" She gestured for me to continue.

"Well, Mr. Johnson's secretary called and they finally have a court date set for August the third."
The silence was deafening. Then suddenly I was attacked with an enormous hug and I just held her. I felt her sobbing into my shirt.

"What's wrong princess? I thought you'd be happy. It just means he will be locked up sooner." I rubbed circles on her back trying to calm her.

"What if they don't? What if they let him walk free - or he turns it against me?" Avery turned to face me. I knew she was stressing out over what may or may not go wrong in court.

"Avery, we basically have already won. The only reason he isn't locked up right now is because he has not confessed. All that we have to do is convince the jury. I'm sure they'll believe you." Honestly i'm doubting myself. I may have never actually knew Greyson but I knew he had to be twisted enough to try and make it out as if he were innocent and turn it all on Avery. That bastard deserves to rot in hell for eternity. His dick should be cut off and shoved down his throat. God, now I sound mental.

Sorry, this chapter is short and I honestly don't like it. But I need to update. It's not that great but i'll make up for it and update a really good one tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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