⚠️Saving her from a man⚠️ pt2

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Y/n pov-

Weeks had passed since the incident with Jenna and the man and the both of you had become a lot closer, best friends. She spent every moment by your side in fits of laughter or comfortable silence.

The man hadn't returned to work on set since that night and it seemed like a waiting game for him to come back. You had asked around but no one knew who you were talking about. You knew what section he worked on so each day you were on set you would visit the place he would usually sit but it had been empty every time.

Seeing Jenna gave you a sense of peace knowing she was safe. You felt protective over the girl and you made it your duty to ensure her safety.

You both sat behind the scenes of Scream 6. She lay, cuddled up to you as she had been struggling to sleep since the incident. It seemed that she could only find sleep when she was around you so you decided to give her comfort in her times of need.

The Scream 6 cast came in and out of the backstage lounge every so often and greeted you. They had noticed how the two of you had become rapidly close and questioned what had happened to creating such a close blossoming friendship between you two.

As Jenna lay her head on your chest and you sat scrolling through your phone. You heard a small yawn and you felt Jenna stretch out slightly. Her dark brown pupils appeared as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Good afternoon," You offered her a gentle smile. She looked up at you before burying her face into your shoulder in a playful manner.

"Oh god, I'm sorry for falling asleep on you again," Jenna sat up tiredly.

"It's okay, I don't mind," You reassured her.

As she sat up and stretched her arms, you noticed a well dressed man walk past in the background of your view of Jenna. Your head shot up like a predator staking out their prey.

"What's wrong?" Jenna looked at you curiously.

"I- I'll be back. Stay here Jenna," You stood up and walked in the same direction of the man. Your heart was racing and your head was everything but clear.

You followed him right into the room you had visited everyday for weeks. You watched as he was greeted by more middle-aged men. As you turned around to greet another person, everything fell into place for you and your conspiracy of the man was confirmed.
"I've been waiting for you..." You caught his attention.

The man spun around and all life seemed to disappear from his face as his eyes stared into yours. His lips formed a greedy smirk that made you want to slap it. This was not a good Idea to approach him.

"Do I know you?" He expressed, attempting to get a rise out of you.

"Come on, you don't me? You know Jenna Ortega, don't you?" You smiled at him, leaning against someones desk.

"Oh- I remember you. You're the one bitch from the party." He gritted his teeth.

"Why don't we step outside, I don't think you want to do this in front of everyone." You sternly told him.

You walked outside with him following slightly behind. You step just outside of the window of the back stage lounge.

"What do you want? You want to yell at me?" The man comes up behind.

"No, I want you to leave. I want you to leave this job and I don't want you to come back" You stand confidently.

"And why would I do that?" The man asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Because if you don't... I'll message your wife, Maria. Yeah, I know who you are and I know your family. You don't leave this job and I'll tell your family that you like touching drunk girls" you threatened.

"Oh yeah?" The man stepped forward, towering over you. You had never wished to have your security guard with you until right now.

You looked up at him as your heart began to race. You stood your ground and did not move.

"You wouldn't dare..." the man grabbed your arm.

You attempted to pull him off but his grip was too strong.

"Let go of her right now!" You whipped your head around to see Jenna running out of the door.

"Oh there she is. God you look good in those jeans" The man was still gripping harshly on your arm as he studied Jenna's bodies.
"Don't you want to finish where we started?"
As you heard his revolting words, your fist was sent flying through the air and clashing into his jaw. Your fist caused damage but he regained his balance quickly. He began to move back toward you.

"Don't you dare" Mason Gooding suddenly appeared in the doorway. He stood ready to step in and take action.

The man seemed to immediately back down. His eyes were widened like a deer caught in headlights. The man quickly glared at you before storming his way passed mason and walking back inside.

You felt a large feeling of relief as the man left. You held your wrist that was now bruised from his tight grip.

"You okay?" Mason spoke toward the both of you. All you did was nod your head silently.

Mason walked the two of you inside and into the backstage lounge. Jenna sat opposite you on a small table as Mason searched for someone to talk to about what had happened and ended this man's career.

"Let me see." Jenna took your arm in her hands, studying the purple bruising. Her face saddened

You looked at her in awe as her hands very slightly grazed the bruised. You had never admired her beauty until now. The way her caring nature immediately came to the surface and how gentle she was.

"Thank you, Y/n." Jenna whispered, looking up at you, still rubbing softly on your skin.

Your silence was enough to respond. You didn't take your eyes off of her. She looked at your eyes before her gaze shifted to your lips. Her pupils were enlarged with desire.

You moved your head closer, before connecting your lips in a soft, gentle kiss. You held the kiss for a couple of seconds as electricity seemed to run through your spine. You pulled away, looking at her in disbelief.

"I've wanted to do that for a while now." Jenna confessed with a blush.

You gained a childish smile as you felt blissful.

"Me too..." You still sat closely to her.

After the horrifying events that had occurred with the man, Mason helped the two of you take this man down and expose him to everyone, including his family. You two wanted to keep your relationship private until the release of the movie...

I'm sorry this was such a shit ending. I've been so busy!! Hope you all enjoyed it though.

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