Chapter 4

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You woke up the next morning exauhsted and mentally drained. You look over rubbing your red puffy eyes and sniffel and see the stuffed animal. You pick it up and hug it close u saw a car attached to it "here but tell anyone I have u this and I'll take it right back-Miguel o hara " you sniffle once more. It made you feel a bit better that someone cared for you.

You knew that even if your world stopped no one else's world stopped so u got up and got your spider suit on sighing not having any motivation anymore just tired and in pain. You take your pain medicine and wait for it to kick in. You sat on your cold tile floor as a portal opened you immediately got up gripping the stuffed animal tightly.

Miguel walked through the portal glancing around and he sees you "don't worry about the reports this week- I got your spider-man work-" he said looking u in the eyes . His eyes were a warm crimson red . "You mean it O'Hara?" Miguel nods "yeah, just call me Miguel" he said comfortingly "alright I'm gonna let you cope ok?" You stopped "how did u know my parents died?..." he froze and sighed "it was your cannon event...I saw it happen..." rage filled your body "YOU SAW IT HAPPEN AND DID NOTHING?!" You were furious. "If I did something your entire universe as you know it would be destroyed." He said in a stern cold tone. It caused u to stop and think for a sec "what...what do u mean?" He sighs "I've seen it with others, I tried to 'help' them but it only hurt them more" you nod listening. You would honestly rather listen to someone else's problems then your own horrible thoughts right now. Miguel however wanted just the same. He sighs and shakes his head "nvm it's not important- get some rest ok y/n?" You nod and take off your mask looking up at him ."thank you Miguel..." he nods and walks into the portal disappearing once again. You sigh and go back to bed in just your boxers gripping the stuffed animal for dear life.

You ended up sleeping for two days straight getting up to your house...clean? Who has been in your house?! You quickly got up when u heard a noise.

Miguel knocked over a glass he was trying to clean he had been feeding your pet while u were asleep and keeping everything clean he used a glass to give it water and he went to grab it causing it to get knocked over and he saw u in the door way eyes wide. "What are u doing?!" U said in a t shirt and boxers "relax u were asleep for two days I don't think ur pet wanted to starve- and your place was a pigsty so I tidied up" he said not cold but not warm either ." U need to take care of yourself." Now that he said stern . You huff and cross your arms "whatever." You said walking back into your room but right before you closed the door you muttered a soft "thanks Miguel" before u softly closed it and curled up in bed with the stuffed animal he got you once again. No one's ever been their to comfort you through hard times. It was nice to have someone their for you.

End of chapter four!

Miguel O'Hara x male reader/kinda ocWhere stories live. Discover now