Chapter 15

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You woke up feeling like shit. Miguel was already awake but had taken the day off to help you as he figured you probably wouldn't be able to walk after last night. You groan sore all over. "Mm..everything huuurrrttss" Miguel holds u close. "I'm sorry my prince, want me to make some food and give u some ibuprofen handsome?" He was gentle and kind but only with you. You nod and he gets up u curl up in the warmth he left behind. You felt worse than the other times though. You didn't know why it just felt different. Different in a bad way. You just wanted to sleep the feeling off. You eventually did fall back asleep and Miguel came in and set the food on your nightstand and gently sits next to you and rubs your head. "Mi amor" you groan tierd and sore. "I made you breakfast and got u some ibuprofen - come on I'll help u sit up ok?" He felt bad for making u this sore and he helped you.

Miguel tended to do this. To be honest at times it pissed you off. But in his defense you could really walk anywhere so he had to carry u everywhere. Which you of course would never say no too. He treated you like royalty. The feeling never left though. It just stayed. You were kind of nauseous and sore . The ibuprofen lessened the soreness but not the numbness in your lower back and legs. 

A week passed and you still felt like this minus the numbness in your legs. You had been doing spider man work. You tried to ignore it thinking you could just be sick. You woke up one morning after a couple weeks of dealing with this and you run to the bathroom and threw up. Miguel jolted away hearing you and ran to you holding y/c (your color hair) h/l (hair length) back and out of your face. You coughed . And you were shaking it sounded as tho u might've coughed out an organ with how aggressive the vomiting was. You didn't. But if anything throwing up helped a bit. You had been feeling shitty for a couple weeks now and it finally cleared up . You sigh relieved that the feeling was gone. You get up and clean your mouth and brush your teeth and take extra time using mouthwash wanting to get all that nastiness out.

"I think you should stay home today-" Miguel said concerned for your health. You shake your head no "I'm fine- I think I just ate too much last night- don't worry about me ok?" Miguel huffed and crossed his arms. He constantly worried about you. You were fragile in his eyes and he needed to protect you. At least in his eyes he had too. "I'm gonna worry-" you sigh. And go on him and stand on your til toes and hold his face. "My love, I'm ok, okay?" He huffs a bit. "I'm still taking u to the doctors in case it wasn't just eatting to much-." You huff in return. "I don't need to do that-" you honestly hated going to the hospital because of how many times you have had to go. "Besides- if u worry about me who's gonna worry about you hmm?" U say and chuckle and kiss his cheek. "Come on let's get rea-" you said before Miguel picked I up and you yelped. "Hey! Set me down!-" he shakes his head no and puts you in bed. "You have been not feeling good for a while huh?." You roll your eyes. "Tell me." You sigh not afraid of Miguel's serious tone. "Just a bit but I'm ok-" Miguel shakes his head. "You're staying home." You try to get up. He forced u down. "Stay here. That's an order as your boss." Your eyes widen and you glare. "Well maybe my 'boss' is wrong! And I'm fine!" Miguel glares. "I'm not kidding. Stay. Here. Or - or -" he thinks for a moment. "Or I'll put u on a week long suspension instead of u staying home for the day." Your eyes widen . "Miguel!" He shakes his head. "You clearly need to heal still" he kisses your head. You shove him off and get up and go tot he closet, Miguel picks you up again before u can even touch the closet door to get your hero costume.

"What the hell miguel?!" You say frustrated. "You need rest" you huff deciding to just leave a bit after he leaves. "Whatever." He smiles softly thinking you will rest and he gently tucks u in and kisses your head. "Rest my love" he gets dressed and goes out. You angrily sit pissed off. You waited about thirty minutes and got dressed and went out .

And not even an hour later you ran into Miguel.
"Hmm?-" he turned back and saw us and glared. "Full week. Go . Home. Now." You huff and flip him off."I'm not going to anywhere Miguel!" He lifts you up and you hit and shove trying to get him off really u were no match for him. "This is for your own good." He said annoyed and he puts up in your guy's room . "Stay. Here. And. Rest." You shove him off and nausea punched u in the face of, you sigh and lay down."go fuck yourself." Miguel sighs "love you too" he walks out.

Miguel O'Hara x male reader/kinda ocWhere stories live. Discover now