Meeting You

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{this story is dedicated to @TPWKloosah13}

"Hey mum!" Harry exclaimed happily as he wandered into the kitchen. He was wearing white skinny jeans with a light blue crewneck on and his worn out white converse on his feet.

"Hey darling, are you excited for your first day of Uni?" Anne asked with a gentle smile. She has been nothing but proud of how far Harry has come with his life.

"Super excited! I still can't believe Me, Niall, and Liam all got into the same school." Harry giggled, his kid-ish dimples appearing on his face. He had always hated his dimples for some reason. They were just weird indents in his face. Although, everyone found them cute.

Anne smiled fondly at her son. "Ok, better eat breakfast and get going where you aren't late for the train," she said.

"Ok! I'll just take a granola bar to eat on the way there," Harry said while grabbing his bag, phone, and a granola bar. "Bye mum!" He said giving her a kiss on the cheek and left the house in a rush. He luckily didn't have to drive anywhere since he lived so close to town.

He walked happily down the side walk, enjoying the scenery. He texted Liam and Niall to let them know he was on his way and to meet him in front of the restrooms. Harry got there in about 10 minutes and his face lit up when he saw his two best friends.

"Niall! Liam!" He exclaimed and happily sped walked towards them.

"Hey Haz," Liam said with a fond smile and his honey-brown eyes lit up. His brown hair was all over the place from the wind blowing through the area.

"Hey Mr. Baker," Niall chuckled. Harry giggled and playfully slapped his arm.

Harry noticed that Niall's bleach blonde hair had started to grow out, his brown roots peaking up. Which was odd to see since he had been dying his hair for as long as Harry could remember.

"Let's get going shall we?" Liam said with a small chuckle and tilted his head to their train that had just arrived.

"Yeah!" Niall and Harry both agreed in unison. All three of them walked over to the train and carefully got on. They took a seat next to each other. Harry in the middle of the other two of them.

"Lima," Niall said to get Liam's attention.

"Hm?" Liam questioned in a hum, still looking down at his phone.

"How fast do you think you're gonna bang someone?" He smirked.

Harry tensed up at the mention of sex, he was not necessarily fond of the topic. His whole life it was something he had feared. Any mention of this type of intimacy, he would immediately freak out.

Liam finally looked up from his phone and responded. "I think by tomorrow." he smirked confidently.

Niall scoffed in disbelief. "Sure, mate," he laughed rolling his eyes mockingly.

"What?" Liam asked offended. He eyebrows furrows in disbelief of Niall's sarcastic commentary.

"Nothing," Niall responded, raising both of his his hands in defense. Liam rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone from his bag, wanting to ignore Niall

"So, Harry, since Liam is being a dick," Niall began, earning a hard glare from Liam. "D'you think you'll finally find the right guy and get laid?" He asked curiously.

"No, probably not," Harry admitted shyly. "I want to wait until I'm at least married.

Niall shrugged and went back to his phone as well. Harry on the other hand, didn't go to his phone. Harry instead stared off into space and let his thoughts engulf him.

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