You Changed Me

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"Louis, what's with you recently?" Zayn's asked Louis. They were both at Zayn's dorm the next day. Harry had gone off with the waiter dude after Louis begged him not to.

"I don't know what you mean," Louis said, rolling his eyes.

"Ever since you and Harry started your fling or whatever you have going on, you've been distant, and constantly have been only hanging around him!" Zayn exclaimed, annoyed.

"I don't do that, me and Harry barely hang out," Louis scoffed.

"Barely hang out? He sneaks out of his dorm at all hours of the fucking morning just to see you, then all you guys do at lunch is kiss on each other, and when we all want to hang out, you and Harry are too busy fucking to do that! For the past few fucking weeks that's what it's been like! And when he wanted to go out with a friend, just to the park, you can't handle your jealousy so much that you almost forced him to stay!" Zayn rambled, voice irritated.

Louis stared at him for a moment and took a sip of his beer. "That Xander kid is just trying to get in his pants!" Louis exclaimed.

"And you weren't trying to when you guys first met?" Zayn asked with a quirked eyebrow.

Louis flinched at this. He admits, when he had first seen Harry, that was a little bit of his intention. But now, he has true feelings for the lad. "That wasn't my full intention," Louis tried lying.

"Oh my god, don't lie to me!" Zayn yelled, knowing his best friend better than he knew himself. He knew why Louis became friends with Harry. Louis was taken aback.

"Mate, it's not that big of a deal," Louis said.

"No! Louis it is a big deal! Have you not been paying attention to the way Harry winces in pain every time he walks! And you and Liam don't get along at all! The amount of sex you and Harry have is overly unhealthy, and needs to come to an end unless you make it official," Zayn spat.

"You aren't in charge of Harry and I's sex life, if that's how our 'relationship' is, that is none of your concern! And me and Liam are perfectly fine," he rolled his eyes.

"You and Liam argue over every little convenience! And Harry walks around like he's being abused!" Zayn argued back.

Louis tensed up. "I don't abuse Harry," he whispered.

"Do you just roughly fuck the shit out of him, or do you guys actually make love with each other?" Zayn asked.

"That's private information Mr. Malik, and I wouldn't like to disclose it," Louis sassed.

Zayn rolled his eyes because he still wound up getting his answer, though it wasn't clearly answered.


"Harry, your jokes are so awful they're good," Xander laughed.

Harry giggled. It felt weird hanging out with anybody apart from Louis, since that's all who he's been hanging out with recently, apart from Niall, Liam, and Zayn.

"I haven't been to a bar in quite awhile," Harry suddenly said after a short silence.

"Why not?" Xander asked curiously.

"Louis doesn't really like me to," he shrugged. "And it's really never been my scene if I'm honest," Harry admitted as he took a long drink of his beer.

"Why doesn't Louis like you going to the bar?" He asked, taken aback. Harry chuckled.

"He's just a little overprotective, he just doesn't want me getting hurt and I think he doesn't trust me enough not to cheat under the influence," that's when Harry paused. Him and Louis weren't actually dating, it wouldn't actually be cheating. "Which is weird because we aren't actually dating," Harry added, looking down at his half empty glass. They haven't been there very long, since they were originally at the park, and they've only have had a drink each.

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