Will you..?

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"Louis!" Harry exclaimed as he ran up to Louis after school had ended. Louis let out a soft chuckle as the boy jumped into his arms. "Hello princess."

It was the day before Christmas Eve, and the two had dinner reservations with the other 3 boys before they went off for their separate Christmas celebrations. Niall was flying back to Ireland early tomorrow, Liam's going with, and Zayn's going back to Bradford apparently.

Harry was surprised Louis wasn't going back home, he said that his family wasn't really into celebrating holidays. And Harry was obviously super shocked by this.

"Excited for tonight?" Harry questioned through a giggle.

Louis smirked and answered; "to see you all dressed up, so fuckable?"

Harry's face flushed. "No," he said shyly, grinning. He couldn't deny the fact that Louis' comment made him flustered.

"But that's the best part," Louis complained sarcastically, pinching Harry's side lightly.

Harry squealed. "To you it is, to me it's the food," he teased.

"How bloody offensive Harold," Louis said with fake hurt.

They both laughed, and Harry pecked Louis on the lips. They then both noticed various students staring. Louis put Harry down, glaring at the people staring, casing them to quickly turn away.

"They're just jealous," Louis scoffed over dramatically, causing Harry to giggle. Louis let out a small chuckle before taking Harry's hand. "Let's go get dressed where we are ready early tonight," Louis smiled.

"Ok!" Harry smiled back.

They walked back to Harry's dorm first, where he could pick out and outfit to bring over to Louis's when they decide to finally get dressed.

"What should I wear?" Harry asked as they walked into his dorm. Louis thought for a moment, then smirked.

"How about a skirt?" He asked with hope.

Harry flushed red. "What if someone makes fun of me?" Harry asked with an immediate frown.

"Hey, baby," Louis said, stopping right before they got to his room. He took the moment and grabbed Harry's chin in between his fingers. "Doll, I hope you know it doesn't matter what other people think of you, but if you feel uncomfortable wearing one; I'm not going to force you to."

Harry smiled at Louis's understanding.

"How about your white skinny jeans?" Louis recommended, pursing his lips as he watched Harry unlock his dorm.

"That sounds great to me," Harry agreed and pecked Louis on the lips as a thank you for helping him.

Louis smiled to himself, watching Harry scurry to find his jeans. Unlike Louis, Harry's clothes were neatly folded and hung up in his wardrobe according to the article of clothing. Louis—on the other hand—has all of his clothes just thrown into wherever he could hide them..

"What about a top?" Harry asked.

"What are you talking about? I'm right here," Louis smirked. Harry's jaw dropped in surprise, and Louis couldn't help but laugh.

"Louuu," Harry whined at first. But he just wound up laughing along side Louis.

"I'm not lying," Louis cackled, causing Harry to laugh even more, loving the sound of Louis's contagious laugh. They both were teary eyed from how much they were laughing.

"Yeah," Harry agreed when he finally begun to stop laughing.

The two of them paused, staring into the other's eyes. Every time they met eyes like this, Harry could recall the first time they met a few months ago, and how he wished him and Louis could just get married and run away already. But, of course that won't happen

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