Hold Me Closer

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"Lou?" Harry asked. It was now early November and they were walking around a small mall a few minutes from campus. They weren't doing any heavy shopping, just kind of lurking to see if there was anything they found interest in.

"Yes doll?" Louis questioned with a smile.

"Remember a few months ago when you said something about a strip tease?" He asked innocently.

Louis's jaw clenched at Harry's words. "Yes, I do remember, why are you bringing it up just now?" Louis asked.

Harry bit his lip for a moment. "I just wanted to know what it is," he replied.

"That's not something I would enjoy sharing with you in public, maybe when we're done shopping, yeah?" Harry look at Louis and thought for a moment.

"Ok, sure," Harry agreed with a shrug.

The two continued to shop for just random little things. They decided to go back to Harry's dorm after he started to complain about being too tired.

"Finally!" Harry exclaimed as he plopped down onto his lounge sofa. Louis chuckled as he watched Harry sink into the sofa. He set their bags on the kitchen counter and grabbed out a few food items Harry had chosen.

"Lou?" Harry's voice echoed through the room.

"Yes babe?" Louis questioned.

"Can you tell me what a strip tease is now?" Harry questioned innocently. It drives Louis insane how someone so innocent could speak such naughty words. Louis took a deep breath.

"Yes, give me a moment where I can put a few things away," he responded.

"Alrighty," Harry shrugged and picked up his phone.

Louis finished putting food items in Harry's cupboard where he thinks they could go and went to Harry's lounge. Harry was sat up on his phone, his lips pursed.

"What are you doing princess?" Louis questioned.

"Texting Niall," he said, pursing his lips even more before setting his phone down. "Can you please explain it to me now!" Harry asked impatiently.

"Yes, I will," Louis chuckled and sat down next to Harry.

"So?" Harry urged Louis on.

"So," Louis began. "A strip tease, is where, instead of me undressing you, we put on music for you to undress slowly to, trying to tease and seduce me, getting me turned on," Louis explained. Harry's face felt hot.

"You want me to do that?" Harry wondered aloud. Blushing at the thought of undressing himself in such a sexual manner.

Louis thought for a moment of a good way to answer. "Yes love, but I only want to do it if you're comfortable with it," Louis assured him.

Harry crawled onto Louis's lap, now straddling him. "I would love to put on a show for you," Harry said, voice even, eyes honest. Louis's breath almost stopped as Harry's words left his mouth. Louis plastered a smirk on his face.

"What song do you have in mind?" Louis asked, voice suddenly an octave deeper.

Harry thought for a moment. "Earned it, The Weekend," He decided.

Louis hummed in agreement at the idea. "Want to do that now, or shall we save that for later?" Louis asked as his hands trailed Harry's sides, up and down.

"Now, please now!" Harry begged as he began to grind down onto Louis's lap.

Louis took ahold of Harry's hips to stop him from moving. Harry then stopped trying to move and looked at Louis's lust filled eyes. "Ok, princess. I'm going to go get a speaker." Harry nodded and got up where Louis could get a speaker and his phone.

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