Heavens in Your Eyes

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Harry sat on his dorm sofa, on the phone with his mom while Louis showered. Him and Louis have now been engaged for a few days. They haven't shared the news with his mom yet, wanting to surprise her when they visit. A few months ago, Harry would have never expected for this all to have happened to him. Neither did his mom apparently.

"So honey," his mom said over the phone. "How old is this boy?" She asked.

Harry internally groaned, knowing this question was coming eventually and had been dreading for forever. He knew his mother would never approve of Louis being so much older. Harry didn't think he cared though.

"Uhm, just turned 24," Harry responded in practically a whisper.

Even though she didn't say anything, Harry knew this wouldn't end well. "Honey, he's 4 and a half years older than you, why would you do this to yourself?" Harry's mom questioned, voice stern.

Harry sighed. "Mom, he's the most perfect, kind, caring boyfriend! I don't think age is going to affect us," and right as Harry said that, he spotted Louis walking towards him with a smile on his face. Of course, Harry returned the smile.

"Mom, I actually don't want to argue with you right now, and I honestly don't care what you think, you and I both know I'm not going to listen to you," Harry groaned, irritated at his mother for not being able to just be happy for him.

"Whatever sweetheart, but just think about what your dad would say about this!" Anne exclaimed over the phone and hung up.

Harry, holding his phone in surprise. He's never really heard his mom this upset with him. She had even been so upset, she brought up his father. He shook his head, setting down his phone, and burying his face in his hands.

"Love, what's the matter?" Louis asked worriedly.

"Nothing really, it's just my mom being a little difficult," Harry replied.

"Oh, love," Louis frowned, sitting down next to Harry and pulling him into his arms. Harry sniffled a bit. "I'm sorry you and your mom are struggling, but I promise you two will get through it," Louis assured. "What are you arguing about?"

Harry tensed. How could he tell Louis that his mom doesn't approve of their relationship.

"Well," he began shakily. "She doesn't exactly approve of our relationship because of our age difference," Harry admitted with a sniffle. He didn't want to tell Louis this, but thought it would be good to be honest with him. Even though it was already a sensitive topic that many people had brought up to them.

Louis's body tensed and his breathing seemed to stop. "Oh," is all he could build up. Louis feared this would happen.

Louis knew the day that Harry had shared his age that he shouldn't have gone for him. He didn't care now, but suddenly he did care, because Harry's mom cares. That was a different pain to Louis.

"That's something, isn't it," Louis muttered. The room fell into a tension filled silence. "So we're engaged, and your mother doesn't even approve of me?" Asked Louis, his voice breaking slightly.

Harry turned to Louis, both of their eyes were slightly watery. Everything had been stressful enough with wedding planning, and school; this just added to it.

"Y-yeah," Harry sighed.

"Well," Louis began with a sniffle. "I'm not letting her stop me from marrying the most amazing person I've met in my whole 24 years of life," Louis smiled through teary eyes.

Harry smiled up at him, leaning over to peck him in the cheek. "I love you Louis, I don't care who approves or disapproves," Harry huffed. "Even if it's my own mother!"

Louis chuckled sadly. "I love you too, and I strongly agree."

The two of them sat in a nice silence. They both have been kind of stressed lately between school and partially wedding planning. It all was hiding them like a ton of bricks. Although, they weren't planning on getting married for a couple of years. The date they were thinking is September 28th, but are unsure of what year yet.

Their silence was interrupted by Harry's phone ringing. Harry furrowed his eyebrows, breaking from Louis's grip and looking at the caller ID.

Harry froze, staring blankly at his phone. He was shaken out of his trance when Louis shook him lightly, repeating his name in a soft voice. "Hm?" Harry muttered.

"You space out love," Louis chuckled. "Who called you?" He asked.

Harry's breath hitched. "My dad," he answered.

"Oh," is all Louis could think of to say. "Why does he all the sudden want to get ahold of you?" Louis finally asked after a while.

"M'not sure," Harry mumbled. "He hasn't talked to me in years," Harry added, biting at his lip.

Louis glanced over at Harry, noticing him biting his lip. "Princess, no biting," he demanded softly, referring to his lips. Harry muttered an apology and removed his lip from in between his teeth, snuggling into Louis's side again.

Something inside of Louis felt off. His stomach churned with guilt like he had done something. He's been feeling this a ton lately. Louis recognizes this feeling as pity. It's like what they described in books. When someone you have so much love for is hurting, and you can do nothing but just sit there and hold them.

Harry on the other hand, could feel nothing but guilt for having to have Louis baby him like this.
"I'm sorry," Harry muttered.

"For what love?" Louis asked.

"Having to have you baby me like this, I'm pathetic for a 19 year old," he whispered.

Louis smiled sympathetically at Harry. "Hazza, you don't have to feel like that, I'm never going to judge you for having feelings, plus, you're my baby, I'm allowed to treat you like this," Louis said as he pulled Harry onto his lap so he was facing him.

Harry sniffled and smiled at Louis. He was so genuine. Harry rested his forehead on Louis's, hands grasping his arms, Louis's arms wrapping around Harry's petite waist.

"I love you in ways words can't describe," Louis sighed. Harry giggled tiredly. "Me too Lou, me too."

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