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Harry was quite upset that Louis sent him away. Now he was childishly pouting in Louis's bedroom. His deep thoughts were cut off by the sound of a pain filled cry.

Harry quickly darted up and out of the room. He looked towards the door, and fear filled his face. "Lou! Stop!" Harry shouted and ran towards him. Louis was repeatedly throwing punches towards a boy that looked around Harry's age, probably older. The sound of Harry's voice made Louis stop, and look back towards Harry and back towards Michael who'd he'd been punching.

Michael's face was filled with bruises, and his nose was bleeding. "Oh my god," Louis murmured to himself. Louis turned back to Harry who seemed to be shaking. "Harry, it's not what it looks like," Louis tried, reaching his hand out to reassure him.

Harry flinched away from him. "Who is this guy!?" Harry asked, voice shaky. Louis looked back at Michael who was now standing holding his nose, staring at the two of them. Louis still didn't say anything. "Louis William Tomlinson!" Harry shouted. Louis looked at him, shocked by Harry's outburst.

"Who, is he?" Harry asked sharply.

Louis sighed. "He's my ex submissive," Louis muttered. A sudden silence feel upon the three of them.

"What?" Harry finally asked, mainly because he had no fucking clue what a submissive is.

"Shit," Louis sighed, forgetting how clueless Harry is when it came to this topic.

"Ex partner Harry, ex partner," Louis decided.

Michael snorted. "Your little whore doesn't know what a submissive is?" Louis turned and glared at him. Harry fiddled with his fingers with embarrassment.

"No, he doesn't, because he isn't a whore, he doesn't sleep with anybody he has a chance with," Louis shot back.

Michael just rolled his eyes. "Why are you fucking here?" Louis asked Michael.

"I want to be your submissive again, I forgive you for what you did," Michael smirked.

Once Louis registered the words, he laughed sarcastically. He just wanted to take a knife to Michael's throat.

"I already told you, I have a boyfriend, who's much sweeter, thoughtful, and much better in bed than your ass," Louis said.

Harry's face heated up from Louis's words. WHO was this guy? And why was Louis treating him like that?

"I should've known you'd still be a fucking twat," Michael rolled his eyes. "Call me when you no longer have this little thing," Michael pointed at Harry and continued; "still around," he finished and stormed off. Louis shut his door and turned back to Harry.

Once Louis had calmed down a bit, Harry decided to ask.

"Lou, what's a submissive?" Harry asked, eyes wide in question, innocently.

Louis sighed, grabbing Harry's wrist gently, bringing him towards the couch and pulling him onto his lap. "Harry, a submissive is a person in a BDSM relationship, which I'll explain that to you later, who is obedient, giving power and control to their dominant, which they should always trust. They allow their partner, in sexual scenes to do, you could say, whatever they want with rules," Louis explained.

"Oh," is all Harry could come up with to say. His face felt warm.

"Yeah, oh," Louis responded fully.

"Why were punching that guy?" Harry asked.

Louis fell quiet, unable to find the words and unable to find the confidence to tell Harry. He knows that Harry is definitely not the one for violence, so there's probably no excuse that he could find to make him understand.

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