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"I know it's her, I know she's one of us. And not just one of us. She is the One. Let me prove it to you. Entertain me by giving me twelve hours to succeed."

The figure spins around in their chair, resting their hands on the obsidian desk in front of them. The room is simply decorated and dimly lit, giving the figure an alluring yet dangerous aura.

"And you are absolutely sure?" Said the figure, to the person who had requested such a challenge. "You used your Sight?"

"Yes, I'm very sure. Sure as my life. She might truly be the one." says the person, their face serious, their brown eyes cold yet confident.

The figure nods slightly, contemplating the practicality of the person's conviction.

"Very well." says the figure, spinning their chair away from their desk to face the painting hung on the wall, depicting red petals of a flower surrounding the barren stem of what once was a magnificent rose. "You better be right about this child, because if and when this war begins, Ramtol will have no mercy."

"You have twelve hours, starting in ten minutes time. Find her."

The person nods, bowing slightly, and walks out of the room. Just as the door is about to shut, the figure utters three parting words.

"Do not fail."

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