Chapter 11: The First Day

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During the few days of rest before we begin the school year I hang out with Sydney, and together we navigate the massive campus.

We get lost more times than I can count.

Right after the dinner, the girls had been directed to the east wing, where our dorms would be. The boys were directed to the south wing. The north, we were told, was where classes took place, and the west wing was strictly off limits. The center of the building was just a plethora of rooms, halls staircases... too many things to remember. The massive dining hall was somewhere around there as well.

The school is so large that even after a whole day of walking the staircases and the extensive halls, we barely finish going through the center of the school. And that's just including the unrestricted sectors of the massive structure.

Sydney and I soon discover on our second day of roaming the school that there are certain halls, staircases, and rooms that are restricted to the students. We stick around one of the locked doors, which required a facial scan and fingerprint recognition, and manage to observe a petite, rosy-cheeked woman, who we assume is a teacher crack open the door and slip inside the obscured room, her long gold locks of hair barely missing getting caught in the door.

During the hours when Sydney and I aren't roaming the halls together, I stay in the library, reading as many books as I can. The library is, in my eyes, a work of art. It are three floors, each visible through the glass centers of the ceiling. Each floor has an abundance of comfy chairs and tall, elegant ladders that reach even the loftiest of shelves.

It is heaven. Of course, I try to ignore Caspian, who is constantly lounging in a plush, navy blue armchair at the opposite side of the room, reading thick history textbooks. I catch myself glancing in his direction, and more often than not I find myself making direct eye contact with him. His long lashes flit up as he meets my stare, forcing me to momentarily admire their charm. Whenever we have these staring contests, I always break away first.

I rise from my seat and check out my book, then exit the library with an air of nonchalance.

As I hurry to the dorms, I oppress every thought I have even remotely related to Caspian, reminding myself of his less-than-appealing behavior at the cafe.

And just like that, the three day break is over.


After breakfast in the dining hall, Sydney and I begin to wander through the halls, towards the north wing, where our classes took place.

I check the schedule we received, who's is located on a small chip that, when pressed, projects a digital hologram of our school schedules.

First class: The Basics of Energy

Sydney, who is walking alongside me, is checking her schedule with anticipation. She lets out a sigh of relief as she glances between her schedule and mine. I peek at Sydney's schedule, and find myself matching her newly discovered comfort. Thankfully, we're in the same first class.

"Thank god we're in the same class," she says, sounding as ease, "I would have died without you."

I smile, and respond, "Yeah, there's no way I could make it through my first class alone."

She grabs my arm and we hurry towards the north wing. After what feels like hours of trying to find the correct room, she and I  burst into the classroom and rush towards two seats in the front row.

Just as I sit down, I catch a glimpse of white hair to my left.

Him, again. This guy, he just keeps popping up out of nowhere.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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