Chapter 8: The Morning

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I got back from work late yesterday, trying to take in all the details of the cafe I worked at before finally leaving with tears in my eyes.

I had hugged Gloria goodbye, and she had looked at me oddly, clearly confused, but I hadn't cared. I couldn't give her an explanation so instead I just walked away.

Today is the day I leave. I wake up, looking around at my fairly bare room, and try to take it all in. I hug the thin sheets of my bed, burying my face in the cloth when suddenly my alarm rings. It's 7:30 in the morning right now. That gives me an hour and a half to do everything I need to do before I leave my home for who knows how long.

I stand slowly, stretching, then widen my eyes, trying to wake myself up. I brush my teeth and get dressed in white sneakers, green cargo pants and a tight white tank top. I brush my long black hair in the mirror, and it flows smoothly, its layers cascading down my shoulders. Even though my raven black hair is straight, layers somehow work nicely on it.

I grab my luggage, which is matte black, and roll it into the small living room. I stare at the used navy blue sofa, the fairly large TV that was built into the house walls, and my little wooden table in the center. I want to cry again, but it's as if I have no more tears to spare.

I cough, rubbing my temples as I feel the slightest hint of my headache returning. I've familiarized myself with its occurrences, but that didn't make it any less bothersome.

I open the door, glancing back one last time at my home before hurrying out the door.


Finally, I'm outside. I stand with my luggage on the side of the road near a tall, twisted oak tree, looking up at the sky. I was trying to calm myself by focusing on the blue coloring of the sky, with the occasional white patches of clouds floating by.

Just as I am beginning to feel my neck tense from looking up for so long, I feel someone tap my shoulder. I quickly spin around to face this mystery person. It was the woman. She was wearing another crisp suit, this time completely white with a crimson-colored undershirt that complemented her auburn hair. She is dressed impeccably as if she had stepped right out of a magazine, her hair still in a tight bun.

I simply stare at her, unsure of what else to do, and wait for her to speak.

"Vesper, you will be getting in the hovercraft now. Place your luggage in the trunk. Hurry."

I nod, even though I only really process half of what she said, and walk towards the hovercraft. It's large, probably big enough to seat twenty people, and has windows so tinted they appear to be black. I walk to the trunk and notice that there are already a few pieces of luggage inside. No, not a few. Over a dozen. Over a dozen others like me... whatever I was, were in this hovercraft.

I blink a few times, then throw my suitcase into the trunk with all the others. I walk around to the entrance of the hovercraft, which lifts when it senses me, and I walk in.

I am greeted by intense staring from eighteen pair of eyes. There are ten boys, eight girls, nine including myself, and we all seem about the same age. All the seats are taken except for two in the back. I slowly walk past everyone, trying not to make eye contact when I finally reach my seat in the back, right next to the window.

This was going to be a long ride.

"What the heck is this? Some major kidnapping or something?" One boy with strawberry blonde hair sitting few rows ahead of me says to the kid next to him, trying to make a joke. The kid next to him chuckles, then responds.

"I don't know, man, but it's hella suspicious." He says this while looking out the window, as if the view may help him think. He runs a hand through his dark hair, his hand a smooth brown color.

They continue talking to each other, some of the other guys and a few girls joining the conversation and attempting to convince everyone of a different theory for our current situation.

Great. So no one knew what the hell was going on.

I'm just about to stare blankly out the window when the girl in the front seat turns around and looks back at me, smiling.

"I'm Sydney, Sydney Smith. What about you?"

I'm startled for a moment but recover quickly.

"Vesper. Vesper Viottan." I say, hesitating for a moment. She seemed nice, if not a bit too nice.I smile back at her

She twirls her hair around her finger, looking at my face intently. "You have really cool eyes, you know."

I grin and chuckle. My eyes were a very vibrant green, a mix of emerald green and chartreuse. "Thanks, but they're nothing compared to yours," I respond, staring into her eyes in wonder. I'd noticed them when I walked in, for her eyes were a smooth blend of pink and purple. It was one of those things that you wouldn't believe unless you saw it.

Now that I think about it, almost everyone I'd seen when entering this hovercraft had very vibrant eyes, all of them different colors.

I look back at Sydney, and we begin chatting about our school life, our homes, and even throw some wacky theories about what was happening at each other, getting into heated debates over whose theory was better.

We are talking about whether we would rather be able to fly or breathe underwater when the hovercraft stops abruptly. Sydney and I share looks, glancing at the empty seat next to me at the same time.

The last person to join us is going to be on this hovercraft in mere minutes.

After that, we'd probably be gone for good.


Hey again it's me ^v^ hopefully you liked this chapter! It's a little bit of a filler, but a character had to be introduced.

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