Chapter 10: The School

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I watch as the woman in white walks out of the hovercraft again, standing outside and gesturing for all of us to exit.

"Well, what are you all waiting for? Hurry on out." She roars from outside.

The two girls sitting in the front seats glance at each other nervously, hesitantly rising, then exit the hovercraft.

Slowly, everyone starts filing out, until finally Caspian and I exit the vehicle. He runs a hand through his chalk-white hair, which reflects the light from above brilliantly and looks around at the thick trees surrounding us. I can't help but watch him in awe. 

His eyes abruptly shift to mine, and I look away hastily, in embarrassment. I was just observing the odd color of his hair, that was all. Perhaps he was albino, who knows?

The woman clears her throat and signals to us to follow her. I fear that if she tightens her bun any more, her scalp will spontaneously combust.

Sydney greets a few people as she makes her way to my side.

"Hey again," she says cheerfully, "are you excited? Nervous?"

I nod, then reply with a quiet and simple, "Both, you?"

Her cheery self seems to dissipate a bit, but she still musters up a tight smile, and without looking in my direction, responds "Yeah, same."


Before I know it we are walking on a barely discernible path through the thick vegetation, full of trees and other larger-than-life plants. At one point, I almost get whacked in the face by a white flower, somewhat resembling an orchid, larger than my head.

Sydney and I chat about the absurd amount and scale of the nature around us in low whispers, and I try to watch my step as I carefully maneuver around protruding roots and wildlife on the path, which by now looks more like somewhat organized dirt and gravel than a path.

I look up at the sky. The sun has moved a fair amount, so I assume that at least an hour has passed.

I halt abruptly, looking in the distance where the trees begin thinning out.

That's when I see it.

The most ginormous building I've ever seen, practically like a palace, emerges above the treetops in a massive field of tall grass and cherry blossoms.

I feel my breath escape me as I take in the area.

The others stop as well, just as awestruck as I am, and discuss among themselves the sight.

The woman in the bun claps her hands a few times, getting all of our attention, and clears her throat.

"All of you, welcome." She begins, gesturing to the building, "to The School for the Elite."

No one speaks, then suddenly it's as if a firecracker has gone off, and everyone, including Sydney and I, erupts in chaotic chatter and gasps.

"Silence!" Shouts the woman, folding her hands behind her back. "We mustn't be late for the headmaster's speech."

We are led through the grand door of the structure and into a large hall, which I had mistaken for a room due to its width.

The walls were a shiny white, for the building entrance was very modern, almost futuristic. The marble walls were carved into intricate designs, such as vines and flowers, and the pillars were crafted to resemble a forest sight, such as a lively tree or cluster of animals. The interior is delicate yet also austere as if two completely different people had designed it.

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