Chapter 7: Revelation

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I run home, tripping on my feet as I sprint toward my building. I managed to delay my shift at the cafe for an hour, and I intend to use that extra time wisely.

When I finally arrive at my apartment, I throw my backpack on the floor and flop onto the sofa, tearing the letter open. All that garbage about my life being changed forever was probably just some empty threat.

I rip the letter from the envelope and open it slowly. I glance at the writing, which is an elegant cursive, and begin to read.

Vesper Viottan,

I hope this letter finds you well.

You will not go to school tomorrow. You have been removed from your class.

Starting the moment you receive this letter, an unknown uncle of yours who wasn't aware he had a niece will suddenly want to take you back, and will have notified the school of this. The board of your school has been notified that you are switching schools to go live with him.

Tomorrow morning, at 9:00 on the dot, you must appear outside your building. Any belongings you wish to bring with you must be packed neatly in a single luggage. Nothing more.

Failure to comply with this letter means instant expulsion from this opportunity.

Anyone within the time frame of now and tomorrow at 9:00 alerted by yourself of your current situation will have their memories revoked and erased. In the worst-case scenario, they shall be exterminated, discreetly.

Any questions of yours can and will be held until tomorrow evening. Everything shall be explained when everyone is gathered.

Do not fail.



I stare at the parchment, trying to understand what I just read.

Exa? Who is Exa? And why are these people so adamant of me going with them? Where were we even going to go? And the greatest question of all, who were the "others" that had yet to be gathered?

I feel a terrible mix of emotions, and roll the letter up into a ball, throwing is roughly on the ground and stomping on it until my feelings begin to dim. I sit back down on the sofa, sighing and looking at the ceiling.

I stare at the crumpled letter on the floor, which I attacked with such vigor that the writing was illegible, the paper ruined and torn.

I quickly stand up and, recalling the words of the woman, go to grab some matches. I bring the crumpled paper to the sink and set the letter on fire, watching it burn to ash. It left me feeling satisfied, but also slightly unnerved. Those words were my only clue, only evidence that I wasn't insane or making this up, and I had to burn it.

Wait, my shift!

I glance at the time on the stove and nearly choke on the air. I have 10 minutes to make it to the cafe. It's physically impossible.

I shove my shoes on, hastily tying the laces, and rush out the door. Today was the day I got my paycheck, and I needed it for the rent I was paying on this little apartment. Even in the shabbiest parts of the city they are strict about rent being payed on time, and even though I'm only 16, the landlord has no sympathy for my predicament.

I continue hurrying around the corner, past the playground, and across empty roads. I nearly trip on the thick root of a cherry tree growing in the middle of the sidewalk, and mumble a few angry words before continuing my sprint.

11 minutes later, gasping for air, I enter the cafe from the back and go to my locker to change into my uniform. Gloria, I'm glad to see, is sitting there chewing a piece of gum, probably cinnamon flavored. At the sight of me walking in she gives me a wave.

I give a smile I response and change into my work attire.

Just as I head out of the locker rooms to start my final shift, I remember the letter, and something hits me, causing my vision to blur and my eyes to tear up.

I'm probably not going to see her again for a very, very long time.


Hey people :>
This is one of my first stories so sry if it may be a little slow so far ;-;

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